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Monday, April 20, 2015

Research Regarding Same-Sex Marriage

There are compelling statistics from Europe and North America where same-sex marriage is legalized showing the negative impact it has on society.  Based on research and data from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Canada and the United States, Dr. Patricia Morgan, the British family policy researcher, on behalf of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) concluded that (words written in black are mine): 
  • as marriage is redefined to accommodate same-sex couples, this reinforces the idea that marriage is irrelevant to parenthood (As we have already seen on this blog, an anonymous commenter who supports gay marriages have stated that mothers and fathers are irrelevant.  That comment can be found here. )
  • same-sex marriage leads to the casualisation of heterosexual unions and separation of marriage and parenthood
  • Spain saw a pronounced acceleration in the decline of marriage following the introduction of same-sex marriage (same-sex marriage was introduced at the same time as the ‘express divorce bill’)
  • across all countries analysed, no causal link has been established to support the idea that same-sex marriage prevents marital decline
  • in the move to same-sex marriage, opposite-sex relationships have to conform to gay norms rather than vice-versa  (. In Canada, the concept of natural parent has been erased from law for the courts have ruled that a child could have three parents.   Sweden has also moved to eliminate the words ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ in return for one neutral word.) 
  • a publicly-professed, legal, partnership does not prevent homosexual couples from breaking up more frequently than married heterosexual couples
  • experience with same-sex partnerships/marriage legislation tends to suggest that availability is all, and participation more or less irrelevant to sexual minorities
  • same-sex marriage may be the end-game of long-running anti-marriage, anti-family policy typified by Sweden
  • same-sex marriage may begin the process of severing marriage from family in otherwise family-friendly societies such as Spain and the Netherlands
  • same-sex marriage triggers dismemberment of family structures in family-friendly societies


  1. Apparently, in today's PDN, Senator Michael San Nicolas feels that Governor Calvo should obey the Attorney General. Perhaps, now one can see why the NCW needs to go into the parishes giving our testimonies to fellow Catholics. Just because one goes to Church does not mean that they follow Catholic teachings as evidence by Senator Michael San Nicolas and many other politicians who attend the Catholic Church.

  2. Diana, there are also a lot of things to be considered:
    Changing Norms in Contemporary Context
    The cultural landscape continues to shift around many aspects of the institution of marriage — a shift evidenced by the statistics represented in the following data points illustrating examples of changing norms. Share these data points with participants and then discuss — using the questions below.
    1. Marriage as a precursor to childbirth is seen as a relic of the past by many young adults. From “Knot Yet: The National Marriage Project,” University of Virginia, 2011
    2. In previous generations, marriage was seen as a cornerstone of launching into adulthood. Today, young adults are delaying marriage due to financial insecurity, fear of divorce, and a desire for career stability. Ibid.
    3. 90 % of young adults feel they must be completely financially independent before they marry. Ibid.
    4. The cohabitation rate of unmarried senior citizens is rising: up 50% since 2000. Ibid.
    5. 65% of all couples who eventually marry lived together before marriage. from Pew Research Study: “The Decline of Marriage and Rise of New Families,” 2010.
    6. The vast majority of adults in their twenties (80%) see marriage as an “important part of their life plan.” “Knot Yet,” University of Virginia.
    7. The “ideal” for marriage has shifted from providing economic security to finding a “soul mate” — often with idealistic and unmet expectations. Ibid.
    8. Marriage remains the norm for adults with a college education and good incomes; markedly less prevalent for those with less education or economic stability. Ibid.
    9. In the past 7 years, 35-40% of all marriages began with on-line dating. “Emerging Adulthood: the winding road from late teens through the twenties,” Jeffrey Arnett; Oxford.
    10. As of June 2014, thirty-one states prohibit same-sex marriage, twenty states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage and 47% of Episcopalians in 40 dioceses live in states or jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal. Office for Congregational Research, DFMS
    11. 2/3 of all adults see living together as a necessary step to marriage. Cohabitation has become a routine substitute for marriage. Pew Research Study.
    12. In 1960, 2/3 of all adults in their twenties were married. By 2008, that number was only 26%. Ibid.
    13. Divorce rates leveled off in the US in 1980 to 45% of all marriages and has held steady for the past 35
    years. For senior adults, the divorce rate has jumped 35%. “The All Or Nothing Marriage,” Eli J. Finkel, a Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University, published in the NY Times, 2014.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:55 am,

      And is legalizing same-sex marriage supposed to make things better or worse?

    2. It is the compassionate way of giving same sex couples marriage equality.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:50 am,

      It has nothing to do with equality. It has everything to do with taking away a restriction to marriage. There is a good reason why we have these restrictions. And I will post about that very soon.

  3. Same sex marriage, same sex divorce, same sex infidelity and all WILL happen. The problem with all of this is that the RATE of change is too fast for people to handle. Changes that took decades or centuries, now happen in twenty years. 35 years ago homosexuals could be arrested for being caught intimate. None of us knows were we are going. Weapons of Mass Destruction are feverishly being developed. Only God knows what will happen. We have to keep looking toward Him and do not look away.

  4. Anonymous April 21, 2015 at 1:09 PM

    I personally believe that some people take 35 years to admit that they have sinned.....some even longer or never.

    No guts
