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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Cleaning A Jungle Mess

An anonymous commenter made the following comment in my last entry post: 

Diana, Tim twists the Pope's words around and tells lies about it.

From Rohr:

"He even goes on to underscore this point by mockingly suggesting that Kiko paid him to do it!

"I’m doing that not because I’ve been paid to: No! (laughs) I’m doing it because I want to. "

The pope blesses hundreds of groups every year, you will not find any example of him even suggesting a joke about being paid to give a blessing. But he does so with Kiko!"
So, Tim Rohr stated:  "The pope blesses hundreds of groups every year, you will not find any example of him even suggesting a joke about being paid to give a blessing. But he does so with Kiko!"
The follow statement came from a news article.  It did NOT come from Zenit, but from Vatican Insider (the bold is mine):
In today’s audience with the Neocatechumenal Way founded by Kiki Arguello, the Pope confirmed their call and blessed their charism. "I’m doing that not because I’ve been paid to: No! I’m doing it because I want to,” the Pope joked.
How much solitude, how much suffering, how much distance from God in the many peripheries of Europe and America, and in many cities of Asia!” The Pope said this during today’s audience with members of the Neocatechumenal Way in the Paul VI Hall. “I want to confirm your call, support your mission and bless your charism,” Francis said before cracking a joke (“I’m doing that not because I’ve been paid to: No! I’m doing it because I want to”).
As anyone can see, Tim Rohr was incorrect.  He misinterpreted the Pope's statement about the NCW just as he normally does.  The Vatican Insider reported that the Pope was cracking a joke.  It appears that the Pope feels at ease and comfortable cracking a joke with Kiko Arguello and the NCW due to our close relationship with the Pope. 


  1. With over 2,000 brothers of the NCW is the assembly hall showing their zeal in support of the Church's mission. Who will deny the real presence of the Holy Spirit.....the grace of the Spirit to make man do something good without being paid.

    Romans 12:11
    Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

    We are blessed to see the Pope's human side.


  2. TIM ROHR does NOT support us.
    Concerned Catholics Of Guam (CCOG) does NOT support us.
    JUNGLE LOVERS (Rohr apostles) DO NOT support us.

    On the other hand...

    Our ARCHBISHOP supports us.
    ST. JOHN PAUL II supported us.
    POPE BENEDICT supports us.
    POPE FRANCIS supports us.

    I'd be an IDIOT if I didn't follow the appointed leaders of the Church.




    To obey or not to obey? That is the question.

  3. Dear Diana, the Pope's use of the phrase "being paid" is a reference to Kiko's Easter 2014 address to the NCW wherein he commented that 70 bishops from India attended the Kerygma at the Domus because the NCW was "paying tracel and paying for them to stay five days in the Holy Land". It not a "fun" sort of joke

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:43 pm,

      The Pope was addressing the NCW, not speaking about Easter of last year. After the Pope made that joke, he laughed. It was a joke, and the jungle is so desperate that they could not even see the word laugh in parenthesis after the Pope made that statement.

    2. Don't be so naive, Diana. Everyone knows thats why the pope made this "joke"

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:17 pm,

      Taken as a whole, the Pope's speech shows his strong support for Kiko and the NCW. :)

  4. Just wanted to point out that the Pope would not "joke" about being paid to support the NCW for no reason. I believe he laughed at it for a reason. There are probably people accusing him of this so he decides to clear the record and set it straight.
    Also, I wanted to remind the Rohr Apostles that their leader has on numerous occasions shared his disgust about EWTN, now he is bragging that his daughter will be on air. Im confused!

  5. Can someone enlighten me? We always find Tim Rohr commenting on the affairs of the Church. We find newspapers like PDN quoting him always? Why? What are his qualifications in theology,canon law, pastoral stuff? What university did he graduate? Smile.

  6. So Diana, the Pope is supporting the tearing apart of our Church on Guam by the NCW. The lack of transparency and accountability of our Archbishop when asked questions? The constant harassment of his son Priests all for the NCW? The leaving of hundreds of Agana Faithfull to other Churches because of this drama? When does it end? Please explain yourself why we (Latiny) do not feel welcome by the NCW.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:06 pm,

      Do you honestly believe that the Pope is tearing apart our Church??? Are you Catholic? The Pope is the Christ's representative on earth. Lack of transparency?? The report of the Annuals Appeal was published last year. You can find it in the website of the Archdiocese of Agana. Also, the Internal Report was already.

      There were only three priests that were removed and one of them was an RMS priest - Father John Wadeson. The other two priests were also removed for legitimate reasons.

      You say that hundreds of Agana faithful left the Agana Church. Who told them to leave????? It was their decision to leave so do not blame it on us. We have always welcome anyone to our Eucharist. It is not our fault that you chose to feel uncomfortable. We do not control your feelings.

    2. So anonymous, what lack of transparency are you speaking about? What lack of accountability are you speaking about? Please specify so that we can understand. Empty phrases repeated over and over again to try to make them credible.

      What constant harassment of his son priests are you speaking about? One was simply asked to remove a rapist and a murderer from his parish staff and the other was asked to move to another parish because he was mishandling money. They created the drama not Archbishop.

      Where are the hundreds of Agana faithful to other churches are you speaking about? Agana parish never had hundreds! Why do you say that you ‘Latiny’ do not feel welcome by the NCW? Did you ever go to one single celebration of the Neocatechumenal Way?

      Gratis asseritur, gratis negatur : "What is asserted without evidence is dismissed without evidence."

    3. Tim Rohr has managed to poison everything. Lies and lies. Congratulations, Tim!!!

    4. Dear Anon at 7.51:

      "Gratis asseritur, gratis negatur : "What is asserted without evidence is dismissed without evidence.""

      Oh, you mean like the alleged "verbal approval" for the peculiarities of the NCW Eucharist? Yes, I agree.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 4:50 pm,

      Did you not hear the Pope's speech? He said the NCW was "obedient."

  7. Answer this: what do you do with the money? Where does it go? How is it accounted for? What are the priorities for the money? Who is the custodian?’

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:01 pm,

      It goes to the poor, to the new evangelization, to the parish for utilizing its facilities, and to vendors when we order flowers, or use the facilities for our retreats. It is also used to purchase the signs such as the chalice and patent, the crucifix, the tapestry, the icon, and other things the community uses in its celebration. The money is always counted and announced to the members and what it is used for. The custodians are the Responsibles of the community.

    2. Diana, you use the money to "purchase the signs such as the chalice and patent"? What patent do you purchase? Is that something only applicable to the NCW? I believe the Catholic Church priests use patens. Do the NCW presbyters use patents designed by Kiko?

      Just wondering.

    3. "...used to purchase chalice, patent, crucifix, tapestry, icon and other things the community uses in its celebration." To be specific..."Kiko's" items. That's where the money goes, right Diana?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:47 pm and 11:18 pm,

      That was a misspelling. It should have been chalices and patens. And these are "Catholic" items.

  8. the money you collect for the appeal... why are you using the 2x2 to collect money from peoples homes?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:07 pm,

      Where did you hear that rumor???

  9. So teacher Aquinas school personal friend of you Diana. Interesting.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:35 pm,

      I have no idea what you are speaking about. This is why I never like one sentence remarks. They make no sense and are often off-topic.

    2. Hahahaha! It just goes to show that people like Anon @ 3:35pm don't have anything of substance to say relating to the blog, so they distract with off-topic one sentence remarks!!! Now back to the Pope's joke and apparent ease with the NCW, the jungle and its followers will never accept any concrete showing that the Vatican has and continues to approve of the NCW itinerary and the good works it is produces in our Church. Plain and simple. I think it is because most people, even those claiming to be devout Catholics, cannot accept the reality of their sinfulness. So, they throw stones.

  10. Of course it was a joke but your argument just shows your own delusions. Why would the Pope say a joke like that? Spin it all you want but there is meaning behind his words. It is interesting that he would say these words. If it was a small joke like last year's angels don't have wings comment then I would agree with you on the close relationship with the ncw. But this is a different kind of statement.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:35 pm,

      The Pope made a joke, and you and the jungle made it much more than what it was. The reason why you misinterpret the Pope's joke into something negative toward the Way is because you and the jungle are frustrated right now that Rome has done nothing to remove Archbishop Apuron. Instead, we have the Pope praising Kiko and the NCW. :-)

  11. That is where it becomes dangerous when you have the backing of powerful men, including in the Church. Jesus was always a suspect by the religious leaders of the Israel.
    The priesthood in its present form needs urgent revision. So do the clerical structures of ministry which bereave the congregations of all powers and of all merits and the monopoly of a papacy that has widely distanced itself from the biblical Petrine ministry.
    The massive titles of Christ’s vicar, of visible head of the body, of infallible shepherd and teacher, and all this covered with a cloud of sacrality: all of these profoundly deviate from the message of Jesus Christ.

    Prof Herman Häring

    1. Dear Prof. Herman Haring,

      By your statement, I assume that you are not Catholic. Jesus set up a hierarchy with Himself as Head of the Church. Among His many disciples, He chose 12 Apostles. And among the 12 Apostles, he made one of them a leader. That is the hierarchy. Christ is at the top as Head of the Church, and Peter is below HIm as His representative on Earth. This is what Catholics believe in, and it is biblical. Regardless of the few evil Popes that we have in our history, Christ still remains in charge of the Church, which explains why the teachings of the Church have not changed for over 2000 years.

      After Simon was named Peter (Rock) and given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, he was TREATED as the Leader of the Apostles. Below are biblical evidences showing that Peter was the leader of the Apostles:

      1. Christ's selection of the twelve Apostles from among His many disciples is recorded in all the Gospels except John and also in the Acts of the Apostles (Matthew 10:2-3, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-6, and Acts 1:13). In these four places the names of the twelve are given, but not in the same order. Peter is at the head of all four lists, although he was not the first follower, nor the oldest. Judas Isacariot is invariably mentioned last.

      2. St. Peter is regarded by Jesus as the Chief Shepherd after Himself (John 21:15-17) over the universal Church when Christ told him to take care of his flock.

      3. Christ told Peter to pay the tribute for himself and Peter, indicating that Peter is Christ's representative on earth (Matthew 17:24-27). Christ did not pay tribute for any of the other Apostles. They paid on their own.

      4. Although St. John was the first to reach the tomb of Jesus, he did not enter. Instead, he waited for Peter and Peter entered the tomb first. The fact that St. John waited for Peter showed that he recognized Peter as the leader who should enter the tomb of Christ first (Luke 24:12 and John 20:6).

      5. It was Peter who called and took the lead in calling a replacement for Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:22).

      6. Throughout the Bible, Peter was the spokesman for the Apostles and after Pentecost, he was the first to preach the Gospel (Acts 2:14-26).

      7. Peter was the first one to baptize the Gentiles (Acts 10:9-48).

      8. Peter was the first one to recognize heresy and excommunicate Simon Magus who later became the Founder of Gnosticsm (Acts 8:14-24).

      9. Peter was the one who performed the first miracle (Acts 3:6-12).

      10. When describing the Apostles, the Gospels writers often chose not to list them individually by name or even write something like “the followers of Jesus” but rather wrote “Peter and his companions”. Clearly, one does not describe a group of followers of another man as “Peter and his companions” unless Peter is the leader. (Luke9:32, Mark 16:7, Acts 3:37).

    2. (Continued)

      11. In several places in the Scriptures, Peter speaks for all of the Apostles – the others are not consulted, or they simply assumed to agree with Peter. This shows that Peter was the leader of the group. (Matthew 19:27, Mark 8:29, Luke 8:45, 12:41 and John 6:69).

      12. The names of all the Apostles appear in Scripture, but what many people do not realize is that Peter's name appears 195 times in Scripture, which is more than all the rest put together. If Peter is no more important than them, why is his name mentioned so many times more?

      13. In Luke 22:32, Jesus says that He has prayed for Peter so that Peter may be able to support the other Apostles – He does not pray for them as separate individuals. This clearly shows that Peter is viewed by Jesus as the head of the Apostles, and as representing the entire Church.

      14. The angel specifically mentions Peter. When Mary Magdalena goes to the tomb on Easter Sunday morning, she sees an angel who tells her to go and tell Jesus' followers that He is risen. In Mark 16:7 the angel makes a very special point of telling Mary to inform Peter; his name is the only name mentioned.

      15. It was Peter who made the first dogmatic decision that the Gentile converts did not have to follow the Jewish law of circumcision (Acts 15:7-9).

    3. "15. It was Peter who made the first dogmatic decision that the Gentile converts did not have to follow the Jewish law of circumcision (Acts 15:7-9). "

      In fact, Peter asserts that all believers do not need to follow the Jewish Law:

      "No. We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that **we are saved**, just as they are.” (Acts 15:11)

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:11 am,

      What has this have to do with Peter being the leader of the Apostles??
