Blog Song

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To Father Matthew Blockley

I am going to publish the comment you made in this entry post. 

Fr.Matthew Blockley. has left a new comment on your post "Lenten Announcement":

I know your beauty secret . It's called embalming. 

This is the fourth time you have made a comment in my blogsite, and I have not published any of it.  However, I have decided to put this one in an entry post to show the kind of priest you are.  This statement is very unbecoming of a Catholic priest.  It is an insult to the collar you wear. 


  1. Whos is this priest?!


  2. Will send embalming words to Archbishop Krebs. Unbecomig statement of a priest.

  3. I think there is something wrong here, this Priest probably suffers from the same deficiencies as Typhoon Toves. Which by the way, has come out again as a spokesperson for another "victim" of molestation by the Archbishop. Too bad the psych evaluations from the seminary are confidential, I would love to review the results of Typhoon Toves' reason for leaving the seminary. Not singling him out, there are a few other local boys who have since left the off-island formation process because of this. Its either this or the temptations of the Bay Area were too much. Majority of them are now living alternative life styles if you know what I mean. Gone are the days of the Seminary being for some an outlet for those who dont know how to come out of the closet.
    By the way Diana, was I the only one freezing at the cathedral the other night? According to the jw2 blog the AC was not working since Msgr. Benavente was reassigned. I wore very light clothes, taking into consideration that the Cathedral would be full with body heat. It was actually cold.

    Maybe Im a little bit too explicit but I can back up most of my words.


    1. Typhoon Toves& Fr. blockley same seminary .

    2. AC in the chapel is shot, not the main church. That is why there is a collection to change the AC system from central to split


  4. This priest is a spy for Junglewatch. Widely believed responsible last years Cardinal Tagle letter.

    1. Tagle needs to learn not to tango with the likes of blockley and Benavente. These guys will tarnish Tagle's image as the new star among the cardinals.


  5. Archbishop Krebs/Vatican city allow Fr.Blockley to reside in Manila . Controversial priest who seems to do what ever he wants regardless of his own bishop. Fr.Blockley is a law to himself .


  6. Fr. Blockley associated with Jungle.


  7. Wonder what Fr. blockley means by secret of embalming. Embalming is known not a secret.

  8. Are you sure it's from Fr. Blockley? Do you have some sort of secure email signature denoting it's truly this person. Cannot repudiate who it is and where it came from? For all we know, Fr. Wadeson could be signing in as Fr. Blockley and leaving posts in his name........

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:28 am,

      Yes, it is Father Blockley. He posted three other times in my blogsite using his name, but I did not publish it because he was telling another commentor to shut his mouth and get a life. In the jungle, he said the same thing, and Tim published the comment.

  9. Fr. Matt helped expose the corruption, sex abuse and issues in Saipan that is the reason Bishop Tomas resigned and the Vatican accepted. The situation is being cleaned up and Fr. Matt is protected and thanked for his service. The Vatican is aware and that is why he remains a priest, disciplining him would be wrong. I personally can't wait for the hammer to come down and change Guams leadership. Guam is a joke to the Curia because of Apurons tactics and ways. A pontiffical act will be announced soon and its bye bye for Apuron. Apuron is being given a chance to resign like the other bishops in the region who are not of retirement age but retired due to scandal and liturgical abuses or Apuron can just not resign and face the humiliation of being let go. What an embarrassment and all for what the Neo? The champagne is chilling :-)

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:58 am,

      Bishop Tomas did not resign. He retired. Father Matthew Blockley disobeyed Bishop Tomas when he was told to return to Saipan.

    2. Bishop Tomas- Retired (Courtesy cause he reached the age), submitted his resignation- Rome DID NOT accept it. The evidence came out, Rome every aware- things were found out. Rome accepts. Bye Bye Tomas. Rome will NOT put a new Bishop in place at CNMI till Guam gets a new one. (Which is soon) The 1st Candidate on the shirt list will become Guam's and the 2nd Candidate will become CNMI's -OR- Rome is thinking of combining the dioceses.

    3. Fr. Matt "disobeyed" cause he was asked to keep quite about the issues and hide the corruption "by Tomas himself". We have an obligation to do good and a moral sense of responsibility to take action. I'd side with Fr. Matt any day.

    4. Diana, since you are a self proclaimed young woman, how do you have all of this history at the tip of your tongue?? Hmmm? Don't toss my question. Please answer.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:59 pm,

      There is a difference between retired and resigned. Bishop Tomas retired due to health problems. (See the weblink below from the Saipan news). If the people of Saipan want a Bishop, all they need to do is ask Rome.


    6. Father Matthew controversial personality. Involved in disagreements between people who have strongly held opposing views. At the same time this priest is very conservative orthodox in his religious belief practice. Attempt was made by Bishop Camacho to the Vatican to discipline Fr. Matthew. All failed. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle allowed him to reside in manila at the request of Vatican.

      Father Blockley protected but silenced.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 2:12 pm,

      I have google at my fingertips. ;)

    8. Dear Anonymous at 2:01 pm,

      Father Matt disobeyed because he was told to return and he did not. He went AWOL. Bishop Tomas did not even know where he was until he suddenly appeared in the Philippines.

    9. Diana, reality is he did return to Saipan.

    10. Dear Diana at 2.40. If this is true, why is Fr Matt able to act as a priest? Why is he not disciplined? And how is it that he is supported by the most senior cleric in the Philippines? Huh? Answer that with google

    11. Dear Anonymous at 3:12 pm,

      I would think it is because Bishop Tomas is a merciful bishop. He still prays for Father Mathew despite that he could strip him of his duties.


    12. Not everything is on google. . It is interesting how this priest is protected by senior church officials in Manila and Vatican city. Once more he has high ranking political friends


    13. Why Did Fr. Michael not return to Saipan? Appears this priest been away from this diocese for 15 years?

    14. Rome got rid of Camacho and the "Real Truth" will come out soon in a nice story (The Variety and Tribune and other papers know some of the "real story" I am sure of it. In addition other priests in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa know the truth. His resignation was accepted by the Pope to save Tomas the embarrassment of being let go and harshly dealt with after such a long career. Remember this was all during the transitions between Popes so it was being taken cared of. The Holy Father offer this option to Bishops and Cardinals who are about to be disciplined. The same offer was or is being presented to Apuron. Fr. Matt knows what took place and what he uncovered that is why he is protected by Rome.

    15. Interesting that you didn't publish my comments? What's wrong. Scared cause the truth is hurts. Bishop Tomas committed some terrible crimes and he will pay in this life and the next.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 10:07 am,

      If it is the comment above, then I publish it. I am not always at the computer, and even if I am, I do not have the time to read the entire comments until later. I have work and children to take care of.

  10. Fr. Blockley was kicked out of a diocese in NY and suspended ad divinis in that diocese.

  11. Not sure why people still choose to believe jw2, it seems they in-turn suffer from brainwashing. Rohr has only one mission and that is to get rid off Archbishop Apuron. He is a man of pride. Yes, Rohr has been very vocal about this since the whole Fr. Paul incident but the turning point was when his name was smudged with the Knights of the Holy Schepulter(spelling?). He deserved it, he went too long thinking he was high and mighty for all that he supposedly "did" for the church on Guam. He didnt do shyt for the church, he did it for himself. It is apparent because he constantly brings up what he has done in regards to the ProLife movement, gambling and the same sex union propaganda. Anyone who has done things for the glory of God, out of love, they will never turn around and compare or complain about the return.
    It is very consoling to know that our clergy are taking steps to heal this archdiocese. I pray it is sincere and I pray for all of them in their willingness to continue to serve.

    I think it is very advisable for Diana to continue to post/allow the comments of Blockley, the rest of the church needs to know the kind of mud that he truly slings. It isnt too late to return to the church.

    I was also bothered by Kasperbauers statements against these "foreigners".....Hello Madam! Foreigner? need I say more.

  12. Expelled Priest in NY Is Awol from Ck Diocese

    By Nazario Rodriguez Jr.
    Saipan Tribune

    August 14, 2008

    A controversial priest who was expelled from a diocese in New York is “technically” on AWOL (absence without leave) from the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, according to Bishop Thomas Camacho.

    In an interview yesterday at his office in Mt. Carmel Church, Camacho confirmed that he ordained Fr. Matthew Blockley in 1996. He said the priest left Saipan sometime in 2000 and never came back.

    Blockley, an Englishman, was recently expelled by the Diocese of Rockville Centre and was ordered by Bishop William Murphy to immediately cease presenting himself as a priest on Long Island.

    Saipan Tribune learned about this through an e-mail from Newsday reporter Bart Jones, who quoted a Rockville Centre spokesman as saying that Blockley had left New York for the CNMI.

    Camacho said, though, that Blockley is not here.

    Jones reported that Blockley was brought to New York by Msgr. James Lisante, a Fox news commentator, without the knowledge of the diocese there and that Camacho had suspended him because he did not respond to an instruction that he should return to his home diocese.

    Jones also reported that some parishioners at the Our Lady of Lourdes in Massapequa Park were angered by some of Blockley's actions that included removing the statue of the Our Lady of Fatima from the altar.

    Lisante, who became the parish pastor there in June and brought with him Blockley, called the protests an overreaction, adding that it was another priest who removed the statue.

    Camacho was saddened by these issues but said he will continue to pray for Blockley because “he is still my responsibility.”

    The Bishop recalled that Blockley stayed on Saipan about three years prior to his application to become a priest.

    He said Blockley went to the Beda College in Rome, which is exclusively for English seminarians.

    He also said Blockley went to the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines about two years ago to take up Business Administration.

    The Bishop said he wrote letters to Blockley but has never heard of his whereabouts since then.


    good read my brothers



  13. Read above post. Fr. Blockley stated on way back to Saipan from New York.

    1. Fr. blockley on the way back to Saipan????

      I don't believe the faithful in Saipan will be greeting him at the airport with leis.

      Makes for an interesting conversation......Father....who is the biggest sinner in the church?


  14. so much stated about this priest.But few met him. Those who have met this guy all say how nice he is.

    What ever Father Blockley did or did not do. what ever Father Blockley said or did not say little importance.

    Question become Father Blockley was never suitable to live in the Pacific Island Culture of Saipan. The Church is at fault to have allowed Fr. Blockley to be in this position. Seems to us Father Blockley functions better in the inner city than he did on Saipan. Respect and dialogue needed here.

    1. are you serious.....since when do we match a priest for the environment that God call them to serve?

      if blockley functions better in the inner city........take a collection for his air fare.

      I will gladly donate from the heart

    2. I think it's right . A priest should be matched with the best environment suitable to needs of a priest. This way priest be happy doing God's will. Diane . Be more humble considerate to all priests.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:54 am,

      God can send a priest to any place He wants. A priest is supposed to announce the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth. And the priest should be happy announcing this Good News regardless of what environment he is in. He is there to do God's will, not to seek out his comforts.

    4. Diana fails to understand theology practice of catholic priests. Environment is very important for happiness of a priest. Some priests want to live in a warm climate like Guam. Others want to live in Alaska preferring cool climate. Some who like to dive snorkel would prefer Guam Saipan chuck plough. Priests who like galleries better in New York, Paris, Madrid. It's all subjective and focus must be to have happy smiling priests with sparkle whites.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 9:15 am,

      You fail to understand God. If a priest serves God, it would not matter where God sends him. This world does not belong to Christians. A Christian's home is in Heaven. If a priest serves God, he will always be happy. True happiness comes from God, not from the environment.

    6. Dear Dian 9.38am. Trying to understand. Christian home is in heaven which is the eternal banquet.I believe each day we journey to the door of the eternal banquet if we live this life with God. He will allow me to cross over into the new world. This world is just a passing stage in preparation for the eternal banquet. Priest serves God but the environment of service is by mutual agreement between God and the priest. Priest must discern if God calls him to a place and if God wants him in that place. In the case of Fr. Matt Blockley. He may have wanted to serve on Saipan but God wanted him in Rome. so Fr. blockley and his order should discern with God where to send him. But we all agree that God wants all of us at the eternal banquet after crossover. I have been crossing over several time to look.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 12:10 am,

      If God wanted Father Blockley in Rome, He would have spoken to him through the Bishop. Christ said to His Apostles (who were Bishops): "Those who hear you, hears me. And those who reject you rejects me." Father Blockley disobeyed the Bishop who ordained him; therefore, he disobeyed Christ.

  15. Diana, If I could, please allow me to respond to comments that have been addressed to me over at the junglewatch blog. I only commented on that blog in response to an anonymous commenter who called me out. I refuse to directly comment on that site. You may have to post it as a new entry. I apologize for having to do this here but I am encouraged to do so because I know you will guarantee its publication

    1. My whole intent in commenting was to request to meet with the individual who did not have enough courage to identify himself/herself but had the decency to name me. I was really bothered by this because, they connected me to a previous comment whereas the writer used the quote from Padre Pio, PRAY HOPE AND DONT WORRY. This quote is seen as my signature on any email correspondence that I may have. This is where it hurts me, my email activity is very limited, I only correspond with close friends and family.

    2. The experiences that I decided to share, were my experiences. As usual the bots have decided to take it into their hands to criticize and analyze my personal experiences.

    3. In no way was my intention to "drag" Father Mike Crisostomo into my attempt to meet this individual. I did not want to share with the whole world but to put things to rest let it be known, that as soon as a commenter accused me of dragging Father Mike into this, I requested and did meet with him that same evening to reconcile and be clear of any misunderstanding.

    AnonymousFebruary 18, 2015 at 12:07 AM
    Antoine, this is the second instance that I have witnessed your bringing up father mike's name in a conversation about neo vs nonneo. Sure, you prefaced it with "I have a lot of respect for father mike" etc etc but you end that thought with the same divisive tone that permeates the entirety of your comment. What's your beef with him? Don't answer that, I'm not looking for an answer. Just disturbing to me that while you get your panties in a bunch about somebody naming you, you do the same thing by dragging father mike's name into this conversation. Lest there be any doubt of the division in our church, you have just provided the final nail. Thanks. And can't wait to hear your answers.

  16. Cont.

    4. In the same instance that I was accused of inappropriately dragging someone else into this, another commenter decided to drag my dear grandmother into this. Despite the commenter remaining anonymous I am very aware of who this is. This person was walking in CP and is very unstable, I will excuse and forgive them for this, because just as close as I am to my grandmother, he is also.

    AnonymousFebruary 18, 2015 at 4:30 PM
    Antoine give it a rest! You were raised better than this! Un na ma'mahalao si nana-mu biha. Ya busta di un menti' I na'an Pale' Mike.

    5. In my initial response I shared the experience of gossip, myself being shunned and excluded from certain things. An anonymous commenter from the San Dimas Parish decided to go ahead and share their judgement of myself. To that I would like to explain a few things.

    - I was not speaking solely about my parish of San Dimas. If you knew me better you should have known that my ministry goes beyond the parish. I go where I am called. In regards to the Parish, you would have known also that I personally followed Father Mike to Toto, I left the parish for some time, but Father Mike instilled something in me that I never forgot. San Dimas is my Parish and will always be, even when a priest is transferred I should stay and support the new pastor and continue to minister.
    -If you knew what and how things are happening in the Parish you would also know that I am not a Fuel Pump Catholic. I do not go to Mass, leave and come back when my tank is empty. This is fine for some but not for me. If you see me speeding away into the office during the blessing of the food, opening of the table, did it ever dawn on you, who was actually planning these events? Im not sharing this to boast but let me tell you, there is nothing more on my mind than that of the parish. If you think I was being paid for my endless hours in the office, think again, it was all voluntary. How long have I been directing the choir? Since ever since. Almost every Pre-Con and Confirmation retreat for the past 15 years, was organized by me and with the help of others from around the island. Who was organizing the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with the Youth during Father Wolcheks term? Who took the lead when the parish co-hosted the Archdiocesan World Youth Day? Whos idea was it to have a Parish Picnic? Who helps Father Luis plan the pilgrimages? Who took the lead in the week long summer camp last year? Who designs and publishes all the posters and holiday cards for the seasons? Who reminds the different liturgists of things that need to happen? Who cleans the office? Who is still pushing for the bathrooms to have a waterless tank system because our water bill is too high? Who is constantly thinking of ways that we can possibly raise funds for our mortgage loan? Who is concerned about the water coming up through the church floor? Who is pointing out that we do not have any designated Disabled Parking? Who organized the fundraiser Dinner this past December that put us ahead in our financial obligations? Many others also assisted, but if you didnt know, we are very few these days, and we continue to look into ways to get more to begin helping out or to return to the parish.

  17. Cont.

    These are insufficient compared to the graces that I have received from the Lord. In no way have I mentioned these things to boast about them. All I know is that my retirement benefits are out of this world. But Please do not criticize me about running away into the office when its time to eat. Get real! Can a brother have a seat sometime? Have you seen the way I walk? If I could run into the office I would. Dont ever say that I have separated myself from the parish. I cant even find a job because I struggle with the fact that i may not be able to devote as much time to the parish. I wish I could be on Payroll at the Parish office, just to help me out with a minimal amount, but this looks distant for the time being. I accept donations if you are a cheerful giver...your prayers(minus your judgement is sufficient enough).
    Lastly, remember, I am the one with the recording of the parish ministers talking about the NCW inside the church and in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. If you have proof of the contrary, please share.

    6. There were questions addressed to me in junglewatch and to that I would like to say, I will not answer it. Not because I cant but because past experience speaks for itself in the jungle. They want answers but when we give them the answers they are not satisfied. Its the same in regards to the Archbishop, they want him to explain his actions and when he does, they still have a problem with it. Also, what I did say was when I am approached with questions from close friends and family, I answer. I do not have any friends or family with the name "anonymous". I have the courage to use my name, use yours.

    1. "There were questions addressed to me in junglewatch and to that I would like to say, I will not answer it. Not because I cant but,...."

      What a joke. Of course you can't answer. The best you could do is the same as the best Diana can do, or the Archbishop for that matter.

      And that is to say "we were told". Pathetic. And predictable.

    2. Antoine Tajalle February 20, 2015 at 1:42 AM, it looks like you posted your comments in the wrong thread. They make no sense in this discussion about Fr. Blockley. Your comments both start with "Cont." and seem to refer to a discussion from The Evil Blog. So I don't understand the purpose of your comments. Thanks.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:19 am,

      Also, the jungle already knows the answer to those questions. It is asinine to answer questions they already know the answers to.

    4. Diana at 3:28 pm, I just finished watching The Paper Chase in which the law students in Professor Kingsfield's class had to deal with his Socratic questioning method which forced them to think through their answers. And it seemed that the questions never stopped, as Kingsfield told his students: "Through this method of questioning, answering, questioning, answering … we seek to develop in you the ability to analyze … that vast complex of facts …"

      Then I came to your blog and read that you wrote: "Also, the jungle already knows the answer to those questions. It is asinine to answer questions they already know the answers to." Maybe the jungle keeps asking questions because they're also using the Socratic questioning methods to encourage us to use our higher thinking skills instead of directing us to just listen, obey and don't ask questions?

  18. Diana, this YOUR quote: If the people of Saipan want a Bishop, all they need to do is ask Rome. , shows that you know little or nothing or which you pontificate. Better check this one. It is a huge error.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:10 am,

      How is it an error to simply ASK Rome for a Bishop??

    2. Here is the scoop. The Vatican has to clean up several messes made by Bishop Tomas. Until those are settled and cleared then Saipan will get a Bishop. They are already interviewing priests and candidates here and on Guam.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:45 pm,

      When you say "they", who are "they?" Who is doing the interviewing?

    4. DIANA, guess you are just going to have to wait and see who the "they" are...keeping you in suspense!

  19. Mr. Tajalle @1:42a.m.-- Here's exactly what you wrote: "My closest friends, maybe even you, know that I have never not answered a question posed to me about the NCW." That is taken to mean that you always answer the questions posed to you -- a fact which can be verified by your closest friends. A misunderstanding? If so, it might help to clarify if you so wish.
    Additionally, "I have the courage to use my name, use yours." The questions came from someone who did have courage and used his name--Tim..... (Although, I doubt you would consider him friend or family).
    I don't understand your reluctance to answer the questions--a simple yes or no will suffice. Do you or don't you? No need to justify/explain. began the convo.

    while I can appreciate your unwillingness to answer the


  20. Infamous Fr.Blockley selling his novel on jungle today. Seems to believe priests nuns will go missing given threats. Guess Blockley believes Benavente is being followed.


  21. Fr. blockley must be Writing a new murder mystery . Sounds like movie material . Now he speaks of Religious women in his mystery story.

  22. Diana, what happens if am RMS priest does not want to walk anymore? Can he just stop and continue as Pastor here?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:01 pm,

      Why would an RMS priest not want to walk?? A capuchian priest.....I can understand, but an RMS priest?? That would not make any sense. That would be like a Capuchian priest not wanting to be a Capuchian priest anymore despite that he was formed in the Capuchian Order.

    2. How could it be like that? The NCW is not an order. It is a method to bring someone to the Catholic faith - or so we are told. If a priest schooled in the RMS is "initiated" - as you would hope a priest has been - why not become a fully fledged member of the Church rather than merely a neophyte or neo-catechumen?

    3. By the way, there is no such thing as a Capuchian priest, dear Diana

    4. Diana @3:58,
      @ 3:01 had a reasonable question and it is possible given the current controversy here. There is always a possibility that one might want to stop walking and be a regular priest. So: Should an RMS priest not want to walk, would he still be be able to continue as Pastor?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:47 pm,

      If the RMS priest chose not to walk, he would still be a pastor. Not walking in the Way is not a reason to be defrocked.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:13 pm,

      There are many different kinds of priests. The Catholic Church has priests who are Capuchians, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Dominicans, Carmelites, and now RMS. That is the beauty of the Catholic Church.

    7. We were told that these priest educated at RMS were ARCHDIOCESAN priests. Therefore, if they choose not to walk, of course they would not be defrocked. BUT, they would be bothered and hounded by NEOS. That's for sure.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 5:11 pm,

      Who told you this?

    9. Dear Diana @9:50,
      Please just correct the misstatements or answer the questions to keep the conversation moving! Asking 'who told you this?' doesn't help anyone understand the Neo's perspective at all. (It really doesn't matter who said did, it just matters if the statement is correct or not.) There are many of us out there who are reading your blog to learn more about Neos --not all non-Neos are Rohr disciples.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 12:53 pm,

      The misstatement is that the "Neos would bother and hound the RMS priests who chose not to walk." We have better things to do that to bother and hound priests who chose not to walk. I have no idea where such information came from. It certainly did not come from anyone in the Way.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 12:53 pm,

      I did not publish your last comment. I already said that we have better things to do than to bother with a priest who chose not to walk. The other things you accuse the Way of doing is another misstatements.

      You stated: "(It really doesn't matter who said did, it just matters if the statement is correct or not.) There are many of us out there who are reading your blog to learn more about Neos --not all non-Neos are Rohr disciples." It is useless to bother correcting all your misstatements if you already chose to believe the jungle. You may not be a Rohr disciple, but you already made up your mind in who you want to believe, and it certainly is not anyone in the Way.

    12. Dear Diana @3:50,
      Sorry...maybe with all these Anonymous posters you are getting confused. I am @12:53, but was not the Anon @5:11. I just wrote in @12:53 to ask you to just answer their questions so I can learn more. It's unfortunate that you jumped to the wrong conclusion and accused me of already making up my mind. SMH

    13. Dear Anonymous at 6:31 pm,

      I apologize for the confusion. It is understandable since one cannot distinguish from one anonymous to another anonymous. It would be best to use a false name as I did. This was suggested by one commentor on this blogsite, which I think is an excellent idea.


  23. Diane. if Fr. Matthew Blockley feels he wants to walk can he walk the way?


    1. Yes, presbyters Fr. Matthew Blockley welcome to walk. Fr. Pius welcomes everyone including Fr. Blockley. Fr. Blockley's conforming to the way could be difficult in community.


  24. Don't think Fr.Blockley candidate for NCW. NCW presbyters obedient in community.

    Fr. Matthew Blockley practices self obedience believing Holy Spirit inspires his special brand of obedience.

    Father Blockley writes on obedience to the Pope with great gusto. Rarely writes on obedience to a bishop. So difficult to understand exactly how Fr.Blockley views obedience. Fr.Blockley is said to have a poetic understanding of theology based on nature nurture and natural law. Fr. Blockley is known for long dinner conversations extending to early hours of morning explaining how he views the world. Faith, reason, science, cosmic forces, are topics he enjoys. Fr.Blockley sees obedience in terms of obedience to the pope. Though he seems to have great respect for Cardinal Tagle.


    1. Fr. Michael Blockley is a busy person. He does not have time to write on embalming . Diana, do you really believe Father Blockley would post rude comments ? Father Michael very respectful guy. Must be an error on your part.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:39 am,

      Yes, it was Father Blockley. He put his name on it just as he does when he posts in the jungle. I have also noticed that since I put up this post, I have not received any more rude comments from him.


    3. Fr. Matt was asked to stop posting in jungle by visitors. No more comments in jungle from this priest.

  25. Further, any priest who stops being a priest technically is still a priest as per Hebrews 7:17: "you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek".

    Btw, any priest can switch orders. There was a Capuchin priest who stopped being Capuchin just to be incardinated in Saipan and is in fact still serving there.

  26. "Don't think Fr.Blockley candidate for NCW. NCW presbyters obedient in community."....that's ONE big problem. The NCW PRESBYTERS are ARCHDIOCESAN PRIESTS FIRST AND FOREMOST and obedient to their LOCAL ORDINARY not their COMMUNITY> anyone see a problem here????? There are RELIGIOUS PRIESTS and DIOCESAN PRIESTS we have a new invention. Makes it difficult, I should think. Matter of fact I have heard some NCW PRESBYTERS who started walking AFTER they were already ordained COMPLAIN about it. Diana, care to respond?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:48 am,

      As far as I know, the RMS priests have always been obedient to the Archbishop. When the Archbishop sent some RMS priests off-island on a mission, I do not hear them complain. They just go. When the Archbishop assigned the new RMS priests to a parish, I do not hear them complain. They just go. The RMS priests in the parish celebrate both the parish Mass and the NCW Mass, and they do not complain about it. The NCW Mass has always bee scheduled for Saturday 7:30 pm, which never conflicted with the parish Mass.

    2. Diana,

      Sounds to me like anon @ 6:48AM is talking about Mgsr. Bibi or the other priest who stopped walking and left his community.

  27. i have seen and witness presbyters RMS trained that had left the community and the NCW and had themselves incardinated in other dioceses.

    1. Dear Isaias,

      If you are referring to yourself, you were never even ordained a priest in the Catholic Church. Instead, you have turned your back on the Catholic Church and became a pastor in a Protestant church.

    2. Thank goodness! Can you imagine? if no one left we would be accused of being a cult! The fact that everybody priests and lay can decide about their spiritual by opting out of the community or choosing to stay is proof that he NCW is open and free.


    3. Are Fr. Ginson & Fr. Blockley validly ordained catholic priests?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:45 pm,

      Father Blockley is a validly ordained Catholic priest. Ginson is not Catholic.


    5. Is Ginson a seminarian?


  28. Diana. appreciate the comments you make. Commenters sincerely try to understand theology spirituality. All believe in obedience. I'm sure that if we even talked to Fr Blockley we would find a certain amount of obedience even in him. From my research he is very respectful listens when he trusts. All priests should be obedient to their bishop. All our priest's on Guam do remain obedient to Archbishop even though it is hard for them at times. We call for obedience agree with you Diana. However, priests like Fr.Blockley , yes certainly controversial, but so was Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen. Is it possible priests like Fr. Blockley have a knowledge that needs exploring.
    Fr.Blockley recently wrote that his vocation is to lead people into paradise which is word used for heaven. He writes of leading others to the gate of the eternal banquet but stresses the many ways of walking to the banquet. This begins at the Eucharist and evolves into the eternal banquet. Jesus opens the door to paradise but many ways of arriving at the door.Guam priests, Rms priests have a problem with obedience as they have so many to be obedient with. And community and Pius seem to govern the obedience factor.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:35 am,

      Saying that my beauty secret is embalming is not very respectful at all, and this kind of an attitude will not lead anyone into Heaven.

    2. Can't say for sure what will lead whom to heaven as only G-d knows. If someone looked at San Dimas' life they would surely think he was bound for hell, but just a word of kindness and forgiveness changed all that.

      With the Lord is mercy and forgiveness. G-d loves Fr. Matt and all the hobo's out there just the same. Remember, Fr. Matthew Blockley is as human as they come and is need of prayers, not "persecutions" talking about genuine well wishing. ..not the baloney insults wrapped up in sappy praises to feign humility. That is sotransparent and as though you threw bread at someone with rocks in them.


  29. Fr.Blockley very unique person Diana. Controversial c olourful sense of humor perhaps most miss understood priests .


  30. Diocese Expels Visiting Priest

    By Bart Jones

    August 9, 2008

    Aug. 9--The Diocese of Rockville Centre has expelled a priest brought here for the last eight summers by Msgr. James Lisante without the diocese's knowledge, and who was suspended recently by his home diocese near Guam.

    The Rev. Matthew Blockley, who assisted Lisante, a Fox News commentator, and upset some parishioners in Lisante's new parish in Massapequa Park who said Blockley removed a religious statue, has been ordered by Bishop William Murphy to immediately cease presenting himself as a priest on Long Island.

    After learning Blockley was working here without authorization, the bishop also ordered him to cease celebrating public Masses here, Rockville Centre spokesman Sean Dolan said Friday. Murphy then instructed Blockley to immediately return to his home diocese in the Northern Mariana Islands.

    "He's no longer in the diocese and he will not be coming back to the diocese," Dolan said. He said Blockley left for the Northern Marianas in the last week or so. Originally from the United Kingdom, Blockley could not be reached for comment Friday.

    Lisante acknowledged he should have followed church rules and acted more aggressively to get official permission for Blockley to work here, although he noted the rules were not as strict in 2000 -- when Blockley first arrived -- as they became after the 2002 sex abuse scandal.

    Visiting priests must be vetted to ensure there are no problems in their backgrounds.

    "No one in the world is saying Father Matthew has done anything wrong," Lisante said. "Father Matthew is a good priest, a hardworking priest. ... There was no issue of faith or morals."

    Dolan said he could not comment on whether Lisante was disciplined by Murphy. He said for the last eight years the Diocese of Rockville Centre essentially did not know Blockley was operating here.

    He said Blockley was suspended by his bishop in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa in the Northern Marianas apparently because he did not respond to the bishop's instructions to return home. Lisante said Blockley had worked in the Philippines since around 2000 after a falling out with his local bishop.

    In 2004, the bishop, Tomas Camacho, placed an announcement in the Archdiocese of Miami's pastoral bulletin asking for assistance in locating Blockley. Camacho did not respond to telephone messages this week.

    Lisante, who violated church policy by endorsing John McCain for president in May, said he first met Blockley at a religion conference in 2000 and encouraged him to come to Long Island to provide summer help.

    Some parishioners at Our Lady of Lourdes in Massapequa Park, a conservative parish, said they were angered by some of Blockley's actions, including his removal of a Our Lady of Fatima statue from the altar. The statue had been in place for 25 years and was a symbol of the parish's orthodox spirituality.

    Lisante, who became the parish's pastor June 25, bringing Blockley with him, called the protests an overreaction, and said it was another priest who removed the statue.

    To see more of Newsday, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to Copyright (c) 2008, Newsday, Melville, N.Y. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

  31. Removing religious statues? Maybe he is Neo after all!


  32. Long believed Fr.Blockley walking.


  33. Diana. Fr. Blockley has written on seminary formation at St. Patrick's seminary menlo park Ca. According to Father Matt Blockley St. Patrick's seminary is forming good and holy priests for the west coast of the United States and Guam. Fr.Blockley teaches that St. Patrick's is the designated seminary for seminarians of Guam. Father Blockley only acknowledges St. Patrick's as a valid seminary for Guam students. Father Blockley hopes to also see Guam seminarians studying at pacific regional seminary.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:26 am,

      Did you notice that you wrote Father Blockley's name in every sentence?? You must be a fan of his. Since Guam has two seminaries, we no longer need to send any seminarians off-island. We also no longer need to ask other countries (such as the U.S. and the Philippines) for priests.


  34. No approved seminary on island at this point in time. Rms not approved . archbishop opened a boarding house for young men discerning vocation. Vocations must be formed in St.Patrick's seminary where authentic formation is provided.


  35. When Father Blockley arrives on Guam I hope Diana you get to meet him and learn from this wonderful priest

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:13 am,

      Will that be the time of his repentance?


  36. Every Christian must repent believe in Gospel.
