Blog Song

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Setting The Record Straight

The jungle has posted a photo of Father Edivaldo with his family and is using this photo to tarnish his reputation as a priest.  The jungle did not obtain any permission from him nor his family to publish this personal photo, but Father Edivaldo has given me his permission to set the record straight because some people are misled into believing that these young girls are local Guam girls. 

Dear Diana,
A parishioner brought to my attention that a picture of my family and me was posted by the junglewatch blog recently.  The picture is of me with my nieces  and my Sister during a trip home.  The junglewatch did not get my permission to use this personal photo.  The junglewatch did not get permission from my sister and brother to use their children's picture. I am writing to give you permission to post the picture so that the truth may expel any misconception anyone may have because of the Junglewatch's intentional misstatements about me. 
Thank you. 
Fr. Edivaldo

NOTE:  As per Father Edivaldo's request, his photo of him and his family members is removed.


  1. Thank you, for photograph. Fr Edivaldo still puts himself in compromising position in this photograph. He certainly does not look like a priest. BTW, Edivaldo, unless you are Diana or part of Diana (which body part) I will not mention, how do you know how to get your picture and letter published and "out there" on Diana's blog. Not quite the same as submitting to new outlet here on island. There you go again. Not too bright, Diana /Edivaldo.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:42 am,

      I am not Father Edivaldo, but he knows how to contact me. If you had read my blog a few months ago, Dr. Eusebio's son asked how he could get his father's letter to me and have it published in my blog. I told him I would send a trusted friend to either him or his father to pick up the letter. I did not pick up the letter myself.

      Father Edivaldo did not put himself in any compromising position because these women are his family members. You only think he put himself in a compromising position simply because you have a dirty mind.

    2. No dirty mind, Diana. But Edivaldo is a sinner too, isn't he? Did he like to be around young ladies? Perhaps. Nothing wrong about it. Who would not switch with him...?

    3. Dear Jolene at 8:14 am,

      Did I ever say that Father Edivaldo was NOT a sinner? The fact that you are acknowledging that Father Edivaldo is a sinner (when that was never the topic of discussion here) shows that you have a dirty mind. The jungle used this photo to portray Father Edivaldo as flirting with young women from Guam when that is further from the truth. The TRUTH is he was posing with family members.

  2. Some individual in the Jungle thinks these are local girls. Pure Brazillians, haha purely hot smoke.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:24 am,

      The whole purpose of the jungle posting this personal photo of Father Edivaldo was to deceive the public into thinking that Father Edivaldo was flirting with young women of Guam instead of posing with family members back home. This deception was done to tarnish his reputation as a priest.

    2. Tim Rohr loves to tarnish people. What if we turn the table around, he cries and threaten to call the FBI. SMH with a chuckle.

    3. Tim rohr is a seriously depraved individual who will stop at nothing to destroy another person. For him there are no morals, no laws of justice because he doesn't really believe in truth. Only his own truth matters. A very sick man.

  3. About being in a compromising situation; does that mean that once someone becomes a priest, they are no longer allowed to still be an uncle, brother, family member, etc? One of the things that I have learned through the Way is that while called to a specific vocation of priesthood, priests are still men. As a man, he is no different from my dad, uncle, brother, cousin, etc. As a priest, he is a representative of Christ here in this world. Sad that some people fail to see that recognizing this fact is a help to all priests.

  4. Tim Rohr does not care and he can careless. Let's post his pictures with his family around the web and he threaten to call the FBI.
    He does not like it and I bet his family suffer big time and pretty sure when they go around the island, they always look around their shoulder. He is a SOB, sorry to say this and no he does not phase me but he is the one who stirred the pot.

  5. Diana,

    This is proof that these people don't care about the truth.

    If they see this photo on the Jungle, they assume he is hanging out with little girls.
    When you post the truth, they say he's still a sinner and he still looks like it.


    They are doing nothing but validating their hate and stupidity.

  6. You people are stupid!

    I'm sorry.

    Dear Rohr followers,
    Are you sure you are "concerned" Catholics?

  7. Diana check out these SOB's doing. Now their attacking Sr.Mirian. Unbelievable.

    Ah, Sr.Marian finally! Been waiting for her to be exposed. She will play both sides to her advantage, and will only protect her hide. She is not to be trusted by either side -- she's just careful enough in her words and actions to guarantee that however Rome rules, she'll come out smelling like a rose.

  8. I think its funny how anonymous at 1:42am says that "he certainly does not look like a priest". he missing his HALO...or did you expect that when he was ordained it meant he is subject to only wearing his priestly attire like during service? Just wondering what he is "supposed" to look like? Priests are MEN...who have families, friends acquaintances just like everyone else.

    Fr. Edivaldo is a good priest...and I would say in MY opinion that he does have a heart for the youth...not in a sick way...but the heart of someone who knows that our youth need attention and to be nurtured in order to grow in faith.

  9. Why is Edivaldo going to see pope again. Some see this as unfair.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:11 am,

      How is it unfair? He is a priest. He can see the Pope if he wants.

  10. AnonymousJanuary 14, 2015 at 8:11 AM why is it unfair, you fear your leader will escalate to EXCOMMUNICATION? I won't be surprise and NO this is not getting old.
