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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

CCOG is one-sided

The following quote came out from the Mariana's Variety regarding the Concern Catholics of Guam, Inc.  According to the news report: 

Ultimately, the group is calling for unity, harmony and consistent teachings in the parishes on Guam. Sablan said that instead of unity, harmony and consistency, “there is a division with different Mass services for the regular parishioners and those who are in the Neocatechemunal Way group.”

Within the Catholic community, there is a divide that has caused disagreements among family members, Sablan said. “Some family members are at odds with each other as to which is the correct way to worship God,” he said. Neocatechumenal Way teachings differ from the traditional practices to the dismay of some local Catholics who want to continue their faith the same way they were brought up, he said.

As anyone can see from the kind of questioning CCOG have, they listened only to one side....that of Tim Rohr and Chuck White.  They say that there is division due to the different Mass services.  First of all, the NCW never changed nor interrupted the regular Mass schedule.  The regular Mass schedule stayed the same.  Secondly, it is the Vatican who said that we can celebrate our Mass.  It is in our Statutes.  We can celebrate the Eucharist in small communities.  So, CCOG is disagreeing with the Vatican because it was the Vatican who already said that we can celebrate in small communities. 

Another issue they brought up is the teachings of the Way.  How do they know that the teachings differ from the traditional teachings?  How did they determine that it was different?  Did they listen to our teachings or did they listen only to Chuck White??  Did CCOG ever attend the catechesis to determine whether it goes against Catholic teachings??  The Catechists teach according to the Catechetical Directory, which was approved by the Vatican.  So, again, CCOG is disagreeing with the Vatican because all the teachings of the NCW came from the approved Catechetical Directory.  CCOG has not spoken to any NCW member in regards to the teachings.  Yet, they have already judged the teachings to be different from Catholic teachings.  How did they conclude that it was different?   



  1. Diane, Rohr wrote about 8 posts today. He's really desperate for attention. You should read how he ended his latest post. It says.

    We are thankful that you are here. We know you have a job to do. But just know that there is a volcano beneath this island, and it is about to explode because for decades Rome fiddled while Agana burned.

    1. Dear anonymous at 7:03 pm,

      "Rome fiddled while Agana burned".............I do not think that is a very nice thing to say about Rome. He is implying that Rome does not care that Agana was burning. I wonder what job does Tim Rohr expects the Vatican visitors to do???

    2. They are putting in 15 hour days just for the heck of it. We don't expect them to do anything it is all perfect around here. Isn't it?

    3. Draws the Apostolic visitors to read the issues..much the same way the diocese surrounds them with all the pro-ncw to try to influence their disposition.

    4. Dear Anonymous 4:50 am,

      After being bombarded with tons of letters from the jungle telling the same story over and over, I do not think they need to read the jungle only to read the same thing again.

  2. Tim is angry cause nothing is going his way. You fight God's will, you'll lose. Now his attacking the Vatican representative. Would you believe that?

  3. Rohr needs to worry about his friends at CCOG, the two EX-cons that run the show.

    1. Anon 11:23PM who might that be?

  4. Diana look at this proves he does not contribute to any parish. OUR Money my foot. Wake up CCOG

    AnonymousJanuary 8, 2015 at 11:19 AM
    Tim, you don't even donate any money to the diocese. You don't even have a parish..Only the Friary on Sundays... Even with that, you don't put money into the collection. So why do you use US?


    TimJanuary 8, 2015 at 11:34 AM
    Ah, yes, more cowards, probably Adrian, or even AAA. Probably AAA. Of course I regularly tithe, but not to you AAA.

    The Friary? No. I don’t go to the Friary. I attend the Extraordinary Form of the Mass as permitted in Summorum Pontificum, encouraged in fact. Unfortunately there is only one place on this island where it can be found. If it was at my parish then I’d go there. But it is not.

    And speaking of that, this Form of the Mass was not just to be relegated to some corner of a diocese, it was to be promoted and restored in the name of “continuity” - as per SP’s accompanying letter from the pope to the bishops. You, AAA, like most, have ignored the papal request.

    And parish? What parish? Run by a neo guy who, because of you, we have to wonder if he is even celebrating the real Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and who we know, privately regularly violates the liturgical books he is required to follow in his secret little neo-eucharists?

    No thanks. My children deserve better. They deserve Truth.

  5. Diana describes the situation quite lucidly. "We" did not affect their masses. "Their" masses are still being held. We just have "our" own mass. It is this exclusivity that upsets the excluded Catholics. It is the unfair treatment at the titular head of the Catholic Church that favors the Way above the rest of the flock. I apologize for stating the obvious, but the head of the Church should not favor one part of the Church over another.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:12 pm,

      That is how they perceive it. The Archbishop is making his pastoral visit to every parish, and not just to parishes that have RMS priests. Perhaps, a good start for unity would be for the RMS priests and non-neo priests to get together. That would be a start. They can learn from one another.
