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Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Quitugua Misconception

Aaron Quitugua is often mentioned as one of the supposed casualties of Archbishop’s policy on vocations. Why is this young man who only needs a letter from the Archbishop to attend an off-island seminary, at no cost to the Archdiocese, being negated his wish?

The answer is so simple that one wonders why this issue is being brought up at all! Mr. Quitugua was asked to go to one of the two seminaries on island and thus follow Archdiocesan’s policy. He said no. I prefer to go to a seminary in the mainland. And what is wrong with that? Everything.  We are not Protestants. We are Catholic!  The protestant way is “I choose my own approach. I pay my own way through to the ministry.” The Catholic way is “I come to do not my own will but the will of God as manifested in my superiors.” 

There are roughly two hundred (200) Protestant seminaries in the US.  For a Protestant guy, choosing a seminary is similar to choosing a standard college after high school. He (or she) takes the time to learn the differences in the different institutions, checks his/her financial possibilities, set up visits and then enrolls. 

In the Catholic Church it does not work this way.  Each diocese has its own preferences to what seminary/seminaries the respective candidates will go. The diocese determines this after a careful process of evaluation as to which of the fifty or so Catholic seminaries available in the US are suitable for this particular Church.  So, it is NOT the prospective seminarian that chooses his own seminary, but the diocese determines this choice.  In simple words, it is the Bishop who picks which seminary his seminarians go. The prospective seminarian simply goes where he is sent. 

According to a priest friend of mine (no, it is not Father Adrian; no, it is not Father Edivaldo), he told me that Canon 241 speaks of the fact that it is the Diocesan Bishop who admits men to the seminary. Everything follows from this. 

So why all this fuss about Aaron? Mind you, it is not him who went to the media but the other guy, the usual guy. The real reason is again to keep thrashing Archbishop Apuron. And this is downright unjust. 

Nothing to worry about. See Genesis 50. “Joseph said to them, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

God transforms everything, even injustice, into good.


  1. "The real reason is again to keep thrashing Archbishop Apuron."

    Diana, do you have evidence for that?! Or is this just the regular accusation about Tim? You all forget that Tim is a highly educated Catholic person devoting himself to his family and keeping our Catholic faith pure and uncontaminated for all Guam people! He is very much a family guy and faith preservation guy in the good ole' sense. Why? Tell me who is contaminating the Catholics here? Who are those who seduce the faithful out of the churches? Then you throw them into 'celebrations" into plain lapidated buildings, rather than allowing everyone in the beauty of sacred place in a sacred church? Why do you do this, why?! Who are distorting the Scriptures by giving everything a twisted interpretation that is not even in the Bible!? Is this not you guys in the NCW?

    So you understand that Tim, Chuck and the better part of Guam clergy is only protecting our faith from your erosion. Please, do not protest and do not deny that your style is eroding the parishes, walking out of sacred places and taking away the eternal meaning of words in the Scriptures. So who you are to mock Tim Rohr and those who want the things kept in the good ole' order as approved by the Holy Magisterium before Vatican 2?

    As about Aaron, he is a human being who has unalienable human rights, even if committed to be a priest. When you chose the path of holy life, you don't sell yourself to be a slave! You offer what you have to God, because He is your hope and shield. So it is God who should direct the path of Aaron and not human pettiness.

    One more thing to Ernie and Bernie, whoever you are, you are not right criticizing Tim because he is successful business man. Yes he is, so what?! Are you all envious of him providing for his large, Catholic family? Please, don't be. The Pope has never said you have to live and die in poverty if you happen to be a Catholic. You have to support the Church. Is Tim doing that? Oh yeah, very much, you don't even know... so don't say anything. Beyond that, you can be a rich and a successful business man providing for his family for the better glory of all things Catholic! Don't tell me that whatever you accuse Fr James with has anything to be with Tim. That would be a stretch of imagination and you know it! So Ernie, Bernie, whoever you two are, shame on you! Diana, shame on you as well, because you publish them in your blog. ;(

    1. Dear voice of faith,

      If Tim was an educated Catholic keeping the faith pure as you say, then he should have known about Canon Law 241, which allows the Diocesan Bishop to make the decision on where he would send a seminarian. Instead, Tim prefers to tell the Archbishop what to do and expects him to follow everything he says. When Tim does not get what he wants, he throws mud at the Archbishop. The one who throws mud at a Church leader is the one causing the division.

      When a man decides to become a priest, he becomes a SERVANT of God. That means you give 100% of yourself to God, not 50%. How do you expect Aaron to be obedient to God if he cannot even be obedient to the Archbishop who was sent by God??

      Yes, Tim is a very successful business man. For someone who is a successful businessman as he is, he chose to be on Church's payroll. Thus, it appears that he helps himself more being on Monsignor James payroll. I know someone who chose to work for the Church for free, and this person is not a successful businessperson. There is indeed nothing wrong with money. It is the LOVE of money that is a sin.

    2. Tim would die laughing if he knew you were calling him financially rich. I have met him and his family, and in no way do the live a life of the rich and fabulous. He has a wonderful family who contributes enormously to our island community; many times at their expense and happy labor. His children are some of the most well mannered kids I have ever met. If the Arch and his fellow Neos can fly first class, then they better pay Tim for his honest days work.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:22 pm,

      God rewarded them first class passage because the NCW members did not take from the Church, but instead made God first before money. :)

    4. voice of faith sound's more like the voice of t rohr. Who ever you are. ?.print your name

    5. Why call for someone to print their name when you and "diana" hide behind anon and fake names too?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:04 a.m.,

      In the first place, "I" never called on anyone to reveal their names. Personally, I believe they can call themselves whatever they want. Remember that I believe in free expression. It is always other people calling me to reveal my real name.

    7. To Diana @ 10:34 p.m. WOW!! This is eye-opening.

      "God rewarded them first class passage because the NCW members did not take from the Church, but instead made God first before money."

      So when Pope Francis turned away the limousine for a humble car, he didn't see the limo as a reward from God?

      Sorry, I'm just trying to see the logic here and hope you can explain.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 8:24 a.m.,

      Yes, He rewarded them. The only thing they have to do is make a decision on whether to take the gift or not. There is nothing wrong with taking the gift. At the Liturgical Conference. Father Nilo said that when he obeyed his bishop, God rewarded him with a free trip to the Holy Land....not once, but twice. And he took the free trip.

    9. 5:52 I second that. good one print your name. sometimes I think he writes for toves.

  2. That is the saddest part of all. i understood the Aaron did want to be indoctrinated by the Way seminary. The diocese should have diversity in their training as seminarians to the priesthood. All must strive for Unity in Diversity...not UNIFORMITY. I know i have been there myself before all you Neo's here in Guam was?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:47 a.m.,

      Aaron did not want to join the John Paul II seminary here in Guam as well, and this seminary has nothing to do with the Way. What Aaron wanted was to make sure that his all his credits were accepted by a seminary.

    2. Even with the best of intention, Guam cannot offer the kind of education required for ordination. Period.

    3. Nothing to do with the Way? Even Archbishop knows and said this is not true.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:42 p.m.,

      Some of the seminarians at the RMS are later sent to the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, and their credits in RMS is received in Rome. The Diocesan seminary would also be the same. Their credits would also be acceptable in the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.

    5. So its ok for the neo seminarians can go off island to study, but Aaron (non-neo), can't? Something wrong there.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:03 a.m.,

      Yes, because they were being obedient. The Archbishop has the right to send a seminarian to another country to study according to canon law. It is the Archbishop's call, not Aaron Quitugua's call.

  3. Totally taken out of context.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:19 p.m.,

      Rather than saying this one sentence, it helps if you explain HOW was it taken out of context.

  4. Aaron Quitugua is one the greatest and kindest people I know. Do not pretend to know anything about him. His heart is in the right place. His vocation is between him and God, so stop playing god with his vocation and stop judging his person.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:08 p.m.,

      If he still feels the calling of God, then he can choose to be in one of the two seminaries here on Guam.

    2. We know Aaron but himself failed to speak to the Archbishop but he spoke to bishop roar

    3. 24 sq miles with two major seminaries, and no full time profs , kidding right!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:32 p.m.,

      We are not Protestants. We are Catholics. Aaron either follows the will of his superiors like a Catholic does or follow his own will like a Protestant does.

    5. And I suppose you are the one to decide what is the will of God and what is Aaron's will, right?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:01 a.m.,

      The Catholic Church has a hierarchy. In that hierarchy, the Pope obeys God, the Bishop obeys the Pope, and the priest obeys the Bishop. This is God's will. If Aaron follows the Bishop, then he is obedient to God's will, which is found in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

    7. Diana, few New Testament scholars today would agree that Jesus "founded" a "hierarchical" church. The distinction between "clergy" and "laity" was surely unknown to Jesus. One thing upon which there is growing agreement among scripture scholars is that Jesus was an egalitarian, a man who actually disregarded the social and religious obstacles to interpersonal equality. He associated with riffraff, ate with sinners and the socially unclean, accepted women and took them seriously even when they wanted to discuss theology. He practiced open commensality in a society which placed great importance on discrimination at table. He even talked seriously to Samaritan divorcees.
      You will have to regard hierarchy as a historical product, a social construction, a politically pragmatic structure of human invention. (James E. Biechler)

    8. Dear Isaias,

      Do you believe that Jesus is God? Let us start from there. You say that Jesus is a criminal and an egalitarian, but do you also believe that He is God.

  5. Well, at least we KNOW who Tim is. Diana, may I ask you a question? Why are you hiding? I think it is rather disengenuous of you to continue to offer advice, offer YOUR opinions and make explanations of all matter of things current and historical and theological. Can you please answer to this please? Thank you, Diana; or whoever you are. DISENGENUOUS. (my opinion)

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:25 p.m.,

      I remain anonymous because I do not want my tires slashed. The Archbishop's tires was slashed. I also have a job to protect. Zoltan (who uses his real name) was threatened with his job. And lastly, I do not want to be lynched after a $500 reward was placed on my head. What is your reason for being anonymous?

    2. It was God's providence that led me to remain anonymous because only He knows future events, being the Master of history.

    3. 3:25 PM are you a priest ??

  6. So because voice-of-faith just refuted everything you said and you cannot defend your words, you choose to instead attack the individual persons. You sound like a true Catholic to me!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:41 p.m.,

      I did not attack voice of faith. In fact, I did not even call him/her any bad names. Instead, I refuted what he/she said.

    2. You tried to refute what voice-of- faith said by attacking other people. Shame on you!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:51 p.m.,

      How is that an attack? Like you always's the TRUTH.

      1) It is true that Tim Rohr wants the Archbishop to allow Aaron Quitugua to attend the seminary of his choice.

      2) It is true that Tim Rohr is angry and has called the Archbishop a liar after the Archbishop told Aaron Quitugua "no."

      3) It is true that Tim Rohr, a successful businessman, was under the payroll of Monsignor James Benavente.

      4) It is true that I do know someone who is not a businessperson, but chose to work for the Church for free.

      5) It is true that money is not a sin, but the LOVE of money is a sin.

      In all this, I have not used any name-calling. But I have had to delete a lot of comments with "name-calling" coming into my blog.

  7. Dbl standard Si Tim. Getting his hands on your money you bicker about. Keep it.

  8. If you don't want people calling you this person and that person, you should finally just reveal yourself. Why is it until now you still hide behind the name Diana? You speak with such fervor regarding your views, why not put an actual real name to your claims? At least Tim isn't afraid to put his name to his words. When will you do the same? I'd honestly have a lot more respect for you if you weren't continuing to hide. behind "Diana". Most people would probably think you remain hidden because you're afraid and you're a coward. Sooner or later, you'll be truly found out and if I were in your shoes, I'd not give that satisfaction to someone else and I'd take ownership before someone else does.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:05 p.m.,

      You should have respect for all anonymous persons even if they chose not to reveal their name for the simple reason that they are human beings. I have a name, and that name is Diana.

    2. "Most people would probably think you remain hidden because you're afraid and you're a coward.Sooner or later, you'll be truly found out and if I were in your shoes, I'd not give that satisfaction to someone else and I'd take ownership before someone else does." Hmmm???
      Primo, u r not in Diana's shoes.
      Secundo, don't say coward, because you hide your identity.
      Tertio, don't correct me because counting is in Latin and not Chamoru
      Quatro, and if people find out who is Diana, then what???? Hmmm?? Life continues my dear;)

      "Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia"

    3. Anon 12:05,

      "Diana" has every right to be anonymous as you are to comment anonymously.
      Guam Catholics was an "anonymous" group. Tim Rohr said it himself, they probably wanted to stay anonymous because of the "actions" that will be done if Archbishop found out.

      It is a guarantee, that once Diana's identity is revealed, TIM ROHR will do nothing but add him or her to his list of people to bash on his blog. Yes, he says he isn't doing the bashing, but allowing others to comment hate towards his targets is the same thing.

      Allowing others to sin is also a sin.

    4. 12:05 TIMMY, TIMMY, is that you ? your using your favorite word... COWARD.

  9. There are two people who have been able to bring out the true character of Tim Rohr by being placed against the ropes, Zoltan and Diana. We have seen how Tim has reached out to Zoltan's employers for help. No Diana remain anonymous, we applaud you for speaking the real truth without the elicited external pressures.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:58 a.m.,

      Tim Rohr has no right to reach out to Zoltan's employers just because Zoltan disagrees with him. Plain and simple. A disagreement on religious beliefs is not a reason for Tim Rohr to go after Zoltan's job.

    2. Tim Rohr is nothing but a bully. if he don't get his way he thinks his is the right way. if someone disagrees with him he go after them. Nothing but a hate blog 8:00 AM is name

    3. TIM Rohr Call people... illiterate, coward, ass brain ,Stupid, idiot ,Shit head. Real nice guy to talk about,
