Blog Song

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Paycheck Along With Other Benefits

An anonymous poster wrote the following comment, which he got from Tim Rohr's post in the jungle.  His/her comment can be found here (bold is my emphasis). 

Diana, look what Tim wrote on his blog.

Here's why I'm asking. As the vice-rector of the Cathedral, you have access to the books. You can see my paychecks, as measly as they are. But you don't know what those checks are for that are written to my company, do you?

Now, I think we understand why there is a lot of has all to do with money.  Not only was Tim Rohr getting a paycheck, the Church was also making out checks to his company.  Why are checks being written out to his company?  Tim is in real estate.  What would the Church have to do with real estate?  Perhaps, the Church was purchasing books from Tim for their CCD classes?  Was that the "company" he was referring to?  It appears that he had a really good deal, taking money from the Church.  Now, I understand where all the anger is coming from.   


  1. Love of money is the source of all evil

  2. “There are some who, pursuing obey, have wandered away from the faith and so given their souls any number of fatal wounds” (1 Tim 6:10). The love for money corrupts the heart, so that selfishness and pride, like a spiritual cancer, enter in our lives.

  3. lol I haven't been on the jungle in months now. He's still upset? He's a businessman. Find another opportunity.

  4. Don't assume anything until you have the proof....judge and you will be judged! Thought this site was about not judging people but about truth and facts...

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:27 p.m.,

      It was Tim who wrote that checks from the Church were made out to his company. He wrote that himself on his blog.

    2. And so what if Tim wrote that on his blog Diana? Why is it of any concern to you? Shaking my head.....

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:21 pm,

      I find it ironic that he has been demanding the Archbishop to publish the financial report, but he has never announced that he was receiving a paycheck from Monsignor James. It was this blog that brought out the fact that Tim Rohr was on the payroll. He only revealed his annual income from the Church when anonymous posters were taunting him in his blog.

      And so to satisfy those people, he published his annual income in his blog, but he left out the fact that he was also receiving other benefits from the Church. He did not reveal that until another anonymous poster taunted him about what other benefits he received. So, he finally revealed that the Church was also cutting out checks to his company. He should have simply come clean in the open since the beginning. What he accused the Archbishop of is actually what he is guilty of.

  5. I seriously think he was referring to his company the book store not the real estate side. Your quickness to assume the other shows your narrow mindedness.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:42 pm,

      I also thought that it was the bookstore. Read my post above. :) I hope he gave the Church a discount on the books. :)

    2. Is there anything Tim Rohr had to reveal? Bingo, he just did! Has he ever revealed these things by his own before we asked him to do so? No, never! It is so clear. He would not honestly show his dealings unless he has to. He would hide those facts that would hurt him. It is his way of being honest? Oh, come on! Why did he turn against the Archbishop and the RMS so violently? Did they hurt his business plans? We are coming closer to the answer but it is still elusive. Tim is still not there to reconcile himself with the Catholic Church. First thing, he should be honest and come up with what he is still hiding.

    3. Earnie - Do you really believe Tim Rohr would go this far if he had something to hide? I don't think so.

  6. Judgements made about Tim from a group who professes that they don't judge.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:00 p.m.,

      When I say that Tim Rohr received a paycheck from the Church, that is not a judgment. That is a fact. When I say that the Church made out checks to Tim Rohr's business, that is also not a judgment. That is a fact.

      A judgment is when I accuse Tim of being greedy. That would be a judgment. Nowhere in my post did I say that he is greedy. I said I now understand why he is angry. He is angry because of the loss in money. That is not a judgment, but an empathy.

    2. What loss of money? The bookstore? He has not run the bookstore, long before Msgr. Benavente was removed. What is the problem here?

      Everything is about money! Money, money, money! When the time comes for you people to ask for money, that is not a problem, is it? So the next time I see an ad for bake sale from the youth or other fundraising activities, to send them off to Poland for all better have health certificates and a license to sell and tickets for whatever functions that should be registered at Rev and Tax. I will be watching! Mr. Nadeau at public health, be on the look out for sellers from people who have no health certificates,, especially the youths!

      You want our money to support the it the right way!

    3. Why are you so defensive? I meant this judgement remark about the first two anon. responses to your post, not you. I'm in the way also.....and I know what you're saying sister. Maybe your defensiveness indicates the need for more reflection, prayer. Stop assuming and embrace your cross. Let it be, Peace be w/you....& with your spirit.

    4. Diana -- when you say he had a really good deal, taking money from the Church, do you have proof of this?

    5. Diana -- You accused Tim of taking money from the Church. What do you call that? A fact?

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 am, ,

      As I said before, all these false rumors have been coming from anti-neo websites and blogs. Give me a medical website showing that people in the Way have been psychologically damaged, then I will be believe that. I would believe those coming from doctors and medical science rather than those coming from rumors.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 10:15 pm,

      Yes, it is a fact that he was under the payroll of the Church, and it is a fact that the Church made checks to his company.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 10:13 pm,

      If I had my own a couple of businesses and was also under the payroll of the Church PLUS I also have the Church contributing to my business.......I think that is a good deal. What do you think??

    9. Dear Anonymous at 8:04 p.m,

      This is the reason why I always say "Dear....", it tells me who I am speaking to or addressing. If I wanted to address everyone, I would not put a "Dear......" Because you addressed no one, I would naturally assume that you were addressing everyone and not just certain anonymous posters. Besides, I was not being defensive, but I was addressing you when I explained my viewpoint.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 5:09 p.m.,

      Are you the same Anonymous poster who told me that he is going to Rev and Tax about the NCW not filing and publishing their financial statement?? So, did you go to Rev and Tax?? I am still waiting for your response. How unfortunate that you are threatening the kids' bakesales.

      By the way, I am also still waiting for the confirmation flight for Father John from the junglewatchers.

    11. To Diana @ 5:54 AM: And you call that taking money from the Church? How do you know they're not valid payments? Do you have something to prove otherwise?

    12. Dear Anonymous at 9:46 pm,

      The NCW collects money to pay the hotel bills and meals which was billed to them at their convivience and you find something wrong with that. Nevermind the fact that the money is not going back to us. Now, that I point out how Tim has been taking money from the Church for himself and to find nothing wrong with that???

    13. To Diana @ 10:32 PM: There is NOTHING wrong if the payments from the church to Tm Rohr were valid payments. Why you're accusing him of stealing money from the church is beyond me when you don't have any proof other than to say that he was under the church's payroll and his company received checks.

    14. Dear Anonymous at 2:46 pm,

      Where did I say that Tim stole from the Church? I said he took from the Church because he was under their payroll and the church paid out checks to his company. My brothers in the community do not do this. We volunteer our services to the Church. We do not take money from the Church. Why? Because we often hear that our parishes are having a difficult time making ends meet. Sometimes, they are a month behind in paying their electricity bill.

      I already have a job so I volunteer my service to the Church.

    15. Still waiting for your answer as to why the NCW goes to the hotels......I see you didn't post my initial question. I guess you don't have an answer, because instead of going to the slums and the streets, the neos want the luxury of a hotel. What hypocrites!!

    16. Again Diana, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being under the church's payroll and checks paid out to his company as long as they are valid payments. I still don't understand why you see this as being wrong.

    17. Dear Anonymous at 10:15 pm,

      I posted the answer under another thread found here:

      So, I will give you the same answer that I gave to another anonymous poster who also asked the same question: Because the hotel is the only place that can hold about 300-500 people and accommodate us with beds, showers, and meals for four days.

    18. Dear Anonymous at 10:18 pm,

      There is nothing illegal about it, but there is something ethically wrong about it.

    19. There is also NOTHING ethically wrong about it.

    20. Dear Anonymous at 11:36 p.m.

      If you find nothing ethically wrong about it, then why are people in an uproar about the financial report and want to know where everything is going?

    21. Dear Diana -- How you can compare the Church being required to publish a financial report to that of Tim Rohr's is beyond me.

      "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.".......Thomas Paine

    22. Dear Anonymous at 10:41 am,

      By law, the Church is not required to publish its financial report to the Pacific Daily News. It was the Pope who called on the Churches to publish it for transparency. And the Church's financial dealings with Tim Rohr should be included in the financial report.

    23. Yes, the Church's financials dealings with Tim Rohr should be included in the financial report along with ALL the other financial dealings...not just his in particular.

  7. “… we cannot let our discernment of the evil of others lead us to act or speak in such a way as to drive them further from the embrace of Christ and his Church.” Thus says Chuck White. And he is right.

    One mother was telling me just this last week. When she was insisting with her son to go to Church, he answered back quoting Jungle Wilderness. “I don’t want to have anything to do with this evil Archbishop and this corrupt Church. Read Jungle Watch, mum.” It is sad that this diatribe that Rohr is promoting is creating so many misgivings in the minds of the innocent. Instead of promoting ways to foster a return to the embrace of Christ and His Church (what a beautiful expression), they are distancing people more and more from the Church. What a responsibility in front of God!

  8. Diana, look what Tim wrote on his blog....Diana...listen to me. Stop making like all these people send you information, email you things. They don't. YOU (whoever you are ) have been asking these questions, presenting troublesome things from the Jungle and pontificating on them all this time . Show some authenticity before you do any more damage. Pope Francis said today that the Devil makes evil things appear good. What you are doing, I am sure you think is right. You are putting a lot of your time into it. It is not right because it is not HONEST and AUTHENTIC. Come out of hiding. Be real. Do not be afraid.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:45 a.m,

      It was Tim Rohr who admitted that the Church had written out checks to his company. He admitted that in his blog. An anonymous poster only brought it to my attention. I do not need to reveal myself for something that Tim Rohr admitted in his own blog.

  9. Anonymous September 30, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    No offense ok but we cannot judge in the spiritual sense; whether or not a person who in whatever practice of worship or condition will or will not go to heaven or hell but scripture does tell us to judge.....does the tree produce good or bad fruit? There are some who judge rohr's jungle blog as may judge that it is not. We should be able to speak freely but we should make an effort to know what we are speaking about.

  10. The only facts I know are that (1) Tim Rohr put himself out there w/his full identity. We all know who he is and where he stands. (2) Diana puts her?self out there and we all know where she? stands yet she refuses to put her?self out there w/her? full identity. That speaks volumes.
    Tom Cruz

    1. Dear Tom Cruz,

      Even if you knew my name, it would not matter. I am not anyone famous like Tim Rohr. My face has never been publicized in the media. I am not taking any income from the Church. The only income I have comes from my job.

  11. Tom Cruz says that the fact that Tim Roar says who he is and Diana does not… speaks volumes. Volumes of what? We are not here discussing persons but ideas!

    1. It speaks volumes of culpability. Tim R. is culpable for everything he says. The imaginary figure Diana is not culpable for anything because of the freedom of anonymity.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 12:57 pm,

      It was Tim's choice to use his real name. It is my choice to use the name Diana. I made this choice to protect my family and my job. I have seen how Tim Rohr threatened Zoltan's job.

    3. Hello 11:11 AM -- Uh, the discussion brought up by dear Diana is the person of Tim Rohr regarding her post on Paycheck Along with Other Benefits.
