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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Semi Humorous Scenario

The following article was emailed to me by a friend who has been reading my blog, the Junglewatch, and Truthful Catholic. 


A SEMI HUMOROUS SCENARIO with a sober conclusion

 We have three people who are entertaining us on the Internet on this Church related issue.


 Tim Rohr.  He is a real estate agent. These last years he was employed at Saint John’s Episcopal School and at the Cathedral in Agana. He is not from Guam. He belongs to the Catholic Evidence Guild, which is run by Father Eric Forbes, ofm cap. He gives me the impression of being a man with a love for the Church. 

In his blog, he has opened a full frontal and many times brutal attack on Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron and on the Neocatechumenal Way in Guam. The allegations are innumerable. He can be vulgar, offensive and callous.

Well the facts are that Archbishop Apuron is the legitimate leader of the Catholic Church here in Guam, appointed by Pope John Paul II and installed in 1986. The Declaration Dominus Iesus (2000) says “There exists a single Church of Christ, which subsists in the Catholic Church, governed by the Successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him.”

 If we want to remain Catholic, whom are we to follow – Mr. Rohr or Archbishop?

Catholic Evidence Guild mantra: "...Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence..." 1 Peter 3:15-16. Gentleness and reverence are not the strongest points in the writings of Tim Rohr.


Diana. She is married. She was born and raised in Guam. She is the only local in this ‘game’. She is in the Neocatechumenal Way. She seems to be intelligent. However we have to ask her husband if we want to know more about her! Because she decided to remain incognito. It turned out to be a good decision because mafia-style methods were/are being used to track her down with the purpose of intimidating her. Or perhaps even worse …

 She was branded as being Father Adrian, Father Edivaldo, Jacque Terlaje, Holly Leon Guerrero. Each claim proved to be false. … Even money rewards were offered to discover her identity!!! Godfather methods.

Her entries are thoughtful, reasonable, truthful, charitable and orthodox.

Diana is just trying to follow the recommendation of Saint Paul. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful;  it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” She is right.


Chuck White. He has a respectable job as Chief Deputy Clerk at the District Court of Guam. His educational background includes a Masters degree in Computer Science. He is not from Guam. He belongs to the Catholic Evidence Guild of Guam, which is run by Father Eric Forbes, ofm cap. He gives me the impression of being a good man.  However, as far as I know, he is not a theologian.

He has published on his web site a series of articles in an effort to discredit the theology of Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernandez, the initiators of the Neocatechumenal way. On the local front, he is gathering signatures to report Father Pius to his superiors in Rome; only God knows what crimes this priest did!

Well let us see what Rome has said specifically about the teachings of Kiko and Carmen. “The Pontifical Council for the Laity, having duly consulted with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith approves the publication of the Catechetical Directory as a valid and binding support for the catecheses of the Neocatechumenal Way. The volumes of the Catechetical Directory have been duly authenticated by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and certified copies have been deposited in its archives.” 

This was done after a careful study of all the catechesis of Kiko and Carmen from expert theologians appointed by the Vatican “with the end of the giving a greater security to the implementation of the Neocatechumenal Way and also of offering doctrinal guarantees to all the Pastors of the Church.” Therefore the Vatican officially approved the entire teachings that we impart. 

How is it that Chuuk White says one thing and the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith says another? Someone is wrong; they cannot be both right. I prefer to follow Rome.


Let us go beyond the façade of this Internet ‘entertainment’ and find the real issue of all this uproar. 

At the heart of the matter there is money that has been misused.  We shall speak later on this. They just want to deflect the attention of everyone to other things so that the truth will not come out. They claim they want transparency and when Archbishop speaks the truth they crucify him. If he speaks at school, this is not the right arena. If he speaks in Church, he is abusing the altar. If he speaks in a Church meeting, his only intention is to mistreat Mgr. James.

Their objective has been made explicit on PDN. ‘They’ (Tim Rohr, Chuuk White –both of them who are not from Guam - and who is behind them) want to oust Archbishop because they claim he is incompetent and many other reasons, which are too nasty to mention here.

Their tactic is to create such an uproar that Rome is forced to intervene.

Their ultimate hope is that Rome listens to their frenzied screams and asks Archbishop to resign or that this stress causes him a heart attack and he dies. They said it themselves. They just cannot wait another 7 years when Archbishop reaches the age of 75 (the retirement age for Bishops).

Then they prospect that Rome will appoint as Archbishop someone whom they like. Father Eric Forbes and Mgr. James Benavente seem to be in their eyes the likely candidates.  

They are also confident that the new Archbishop will immediately kick out this pesky Neocatechumenal Way from the island. These Neocatechumenal people can then go to the Latin Mass. And they can breath more contentedly.

Will they succeed? Only God knows.



  1. Semi Humorous??? You hit it on the Bulls Eye. Chuck White claim the Neocatechumenal Way being cultist and Sectarian. Rome examined these scrutunized these teachings and yes correct it's all about the money. My belief the money has no bearing for me. Give it to the POOR.

  2. Okay, let me try to put it down nicely:

    Here is a piece from Tim about his Jungle" "This blog cost me something. It has cost me a lot. I have been willing to pay. It has cost you nothing." (September 7, 2014 bat 8:57 AM). Is this clear enough for everyone? Tim says he is the Boss because he paid the money for his blog. It is about money, money, money, buying himself power, power, power... Now tell me someone, does Tim Rohr love money or not? Hell sure he does! It gives him a sense of power over you, a must need for him. Well, this is Tim Rohr, the "successful business man", right?

    It is said that he was on the Cathedral's pay roll. There is an impression that last Summer Tim Rohr wanted to move on with his business and create an easy life for himself, making decisions about Church spending and getting a share from that spending through his own business. True or false, who knows? However, the Archbishop did not approve his money making plan. This was the point when hell broke loose and Tim retaliated by setting up Junglewatch to torture our intelligence and spread hatred against the Archbishop.

    It was sad to see how the Neocatechumenal Way came into his view to create ideology for his hate campaign, because he understands zero, zylch, nada, nil about the Way! So he resorted to spreading gossip and lies. Guam media fared pretty low siding with Tim's rambles. Hopefully there will be a wake-up call for everyone when his shady businesses will come into light.

    1. Dear Earnie,

      I have looked at other blogs and found that all the blogs I have seen so far does not have a "donate" button to support their blog.

    2. That is right. But the Jungle has! What does it say about Tim?! ;(

    3. Diana & Earnie -- God made Tim have a donate button to support his blog and God is also making lots of fingers push that button. Envious much?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:03 p.m.,

      God does not care about money. In fact, Christ said, you cannot worship both God and money. You either love God or you love money. It was Tim who decided to get donations for bashing the Archbishop. And the more the donations, the more the bashing.

    5. Yes, the more donations, the more power to the mission of keeping the Archbishop and the NCW in check because....

      "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”
      -Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, before the Knights of Columbus, June 1972.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:02 p.m.,

      Nowhere is Fulton Sheen saying that one should get rid of their Bishop. Yet, that is the goal of the jungle. Their goal is not to make sure that the Bishop acts like a bishop, but to get rid of him.

    7. If that's what it takes to save our Church, then yes.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 11:16 a.m.,

      Since when does the Church needed saving??? The Church has been standing for more than 2000 years all because of Jesus Christ, her founder. Now, you believe that Christ can no longer protect His Church????

    9. Yes, the Catholic Church has been standing for more than 2000 years all because of Jesus Christ who gives power and courage to those to fight & protect his Church against those who try to destroy her, the latest of which is Kiko Arguello. This too we know shall pass and Jesus Christ will be victorious once again!!

    10. Dear Anonymous at 9:02 p.m.

      The Catholic Church remained standing for more than 2000 years because of people like the martyrs who died for Christ. It was because of the deaths of the martyrs that the Church grew. It was because they were persecuted that they remained standing for more than 2000 years while their persecutors diminished. Catholics were never called to persecute anyone.

    11. Who is trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church? It is Kiko Arguello and his followers who are now the persecutors of the Catholic Church... and they too will be diminished. God surely will not let Mother Church fall victim to yet another persecutor.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 8:03 p.m.,

      We are not trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church because we are already inside the Catholic Church. And we are not the persecutors of the Catholic Church. Tim Rohr, Chuck White and their followers are still our Catholic brothers. It is them who do not see us as Catholic brothers and sisters, which is why they want us out. It is them who always tell us to get out and create another church. We do not say that to them.

    13. Diana -- Of course the neos can't tell the non-neos to go and create another church. The non-neos are NOT the ones trying to change the Catholic Church! Get the picture?

    14. Dear Anonymous at 2:00 a.m.,

      And how are we changing the Catholic Church? Could you be more specific?

  3. Well, of course your "friend" is going to take your side. I have a few questions though.

    1. Why does it matter where someone was born, if the issue is Truth?
    2. There is no such person as Diana. How can we "ask her husband" if "she" remains anonymous?
    3. Why was "Diana's" blog inactive during the clergy meetings with the Nuncio? And how did "she" know what went on in them before anyone else? Curious anyone?
    4. If the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith approve(d) the publication of the Catechetical Directory", where are they? Why are they not available? That is after all, what "publication" means.
    5. How can anyone have any confidence that the Catechetical Directories "approved for publication" are actually the volumes that are used in catechesis?
    6. Would anyone actually care to refute the content of Tim and Chuck's discussion in relation to criticisms of the "Way", or are we just going to continue this ad hominem approach?

    Thankyou. I would be interested in your answers.

    1. 1. Guam has always been occupied by foreigners telling us locals that they know the truth better than we do.
      2. Diana exists just as YOU who call yourself anonymous exist. Just because you refuse to reveal YOUR name does not mean that there is no human being who typed your comment.
      3. My blog is always active. I may skip a day or two in posting, but I was always on publishing comments and responding to them.
      4. They are available only to the Catechists just as the written driving test is available only to Motor Vehicles and not for public use.
      5. Just come to the catechesis and listen to it. If you have questions, you can ask the Catechists. Under one of my posts, an anonymous poster judged our scrutinies as "ridiculous seances, " so I gave him the Website of the Catholic Encyclopedia on Catholic scrutinies.
      6. The reason I no longer post in the jungle was because they were never interested in the truth. Instead of refuting what I said, they focused on my identity. They accused me of being a priest, and what I commented was forgotten

    2. 1. Do you mean the foreign catechists, seminarians and priests of the NCW?
      2. If I told you to ask my mother about be, but I remained anonymous, you would be well within your rights to wonder about my sanity. Diana is a group of people, as we know, so it is rather silly to be speaking about "Diana's husband".
      3. I remain unconvinced. We know you have a priest that directs/advises your statements on this blog. At the very least.
      4. A written driving test is available to Vehicles? That's a new one. The point is that your "friend" brought up the fact that the Holy See gave permission for the Directory to be published. Do you know what published means? Look it up. It is invariably something like "prepare and issue (a book, journal, or piece of music) for public sale." But there is no public sale.
      5. I am currently attending the catechesis, thankyou. There is no opportunity to ask questions. In fact I have been told not to ask questions.
      6. I did not ask you why you don't post on junglewatch, but rather why you (and your friends) always attack the person rather than answering the objection.

    3. 1. No. It is between Tim Rohr and the Archbishop. I choose the Archbishop.
      2. Diana is only one person. Whether you believe me or not is not my problem.
      3. No one gives me advise. I do have a trusted friend who gets documents for me like the letter that I published for Dr. Eusebio.
      4. A written driving test is available only to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles not to the public.
      5. Sure you are........right.
      6. asked why no one refute the content that Tim Rohr and Chuck White discussed.

    4. Dear Diana, we are not foreigners. 'Guam has always been occupied by foreigners telling us locals that they know the truth better than we do." We are all here legally. THIS IS AMERICA Diana. IF MANY OF US LEFT, you wouldn't be left with much. What if all the foreigners of RMS left all of you LOCALS behind? hmmmm? That is so prejudiced and ugly. Foreigners. My GOD. Ignorant.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:46 p.m.,

      This is a historical fact. Guam was controlled by Spain for almost 300 years. After that, the United States came in and ruled us. The Chamorros were aliens in their own lands since they were not U.S. ctiziens, and they were ruled by naval governors. After that came Japan who brutalized the people. After that, the Untied States returned. We gained "congressional" citizenship." We are not "constitutional" citizens. Guam still remains an unincorporated territory with limited self-government.

      At any rate, the article that my friend wrote had nothing to do with race. He was describing three people, which include their jobs. Two of those people that he described are not from here. That is a fact.

    6. @AnonymousSeptember 9, 2014 at 11:14 AM
      Your facts are wrong and your logic is false.
      The catechetical directory has been published. You guys are apparently just too lame to find it (if you really tried at all. Or perhaps is it more convenient to just say that it is not available, without even looking?). It has an ISBN, you know, and it is for sale. I located it at the publisher's website. The fact that nobody sent you a copy by express mail, doesn't discredit the approval of the Holy See.
      Could I rightfully claim that you have no legs, just because I have never seen them?

    7. Anon@ 11:06. Thankyou for your charitable response. Volume 1 is available via Hope Publishing, and I have a copy of that. The other twelve volumes are not available through that publisher or anyone else, as far as I can see. I would be happy for you to show that in fact they are available though.

      Secondly, you apparently don't object to or answer the suggestion that there is no way to tell if the catechists are actually using the approved version, or whether they continue to use the pre-approved?

  4. Ernie, Tim's comment just flew over your head. He is not just referring to money; he is mostly talking about the cost of time, safety and relationships. At least he stands up for what he believes.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:48 am,

      How exactly is he spending these donations? When you say "cost of time" does this mean he is using these donation for writing on his blog? And when you say "safety", does this mean he hired a body guard for his protection? And what do you mean by "relationships"?

    2. You are right... for him even his family is a relationship that can be accounted for as "cost"! ;)

    3. @Diana 12:25. How much has Tim received in donations?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 1:43 p.m.,

      I would like to know why he is even asking for donations for his blog. All the blogs I have seen do not have "donation" buttons on their blogs.

    5. Maybe you need to visit more blogs Diana. There are blogs that have DONATE buttons like the one on JungleWatch. Here are two.

      Fr. Z's blog (listed in "12 Catholic blogs Worth Your Time" in 2012) has a DONATE button under his statement "You keep this blog, and me, going. I pray for benefactors" and has monthly donors. Fr. Z encourages those ordering from to order thru his blog so he can get a percentage from orders. Fr. Z also says "Yes, Fr. Z is taking ads... and there will be nearly 1,000,000 page loads this month" and includes several ads on his blog. There are also Fr. Z items for sale thru his blog.

      Fr. Longnecker's blog was also on the list and has a DONATE button, too. Like Fr. Z, Fr. Longnecker has a link to where he gets a percentage from orders.

      There are others. Just thought I'd share these two with you.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 12:50 p.m.,

      I stand corrected. There are a few blogs asking for donations while a vast majority do not.

  5. Dear Earnie, you are confusing the meaning of "cost". Mr Rohr does not mean it in the sense of paying money, but rather in the sense of "The effort, loss, or sacrifice necessary to achieve or obtain something"

    1. There is no confusion here! It is absolutely clear: he is investing time, talent and effort into something that can be counted as "cost". His cost to pay for power. His children might not see him often, but this cost he happily pays in order to be the rooster on his dump heap, an almighty Boss of Jungle Watch! Hahh! Does it worth it...?! Well, some people just know no limits to their ambitions when they want to feel powerful, even on a little dump hill. ;( ;(

    2. Dear Earnie -- Is it worth it? Yesiree! For many, it's very much worth it because he is exposing the evil that many are now seeing for themselves. And who do you think is more credible? Someone who stands up for his beliefs and is not afraid to put his name to it or someone who is incognito?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:54 p.m.,

      It is evil to fire someone from their job? Since when did that become a sin? The Archbishop removed Father Paul for disobedience and transferred Father Paul elsewhere for financial mismanagement. There is nothing evil about that. Saying "no" to Aaron Quitugua is also not evil. Do you know the difference between good and evil?

    4. Of course if you put it that way Diana, it doesn't appear to be evil, however, if the action doesn't make sense, people will want to know what the real reason is. And when the real reason is exposed, the common factor behind the Archbishop's actions that don't make sense IS THE NCW. That is why many people are now seeing why the NCW is evil.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:29 a.m.,

      The Archbishop has been telling you the reasons for his actions. He removed Father Paul for disobedience, and he removed Monsignor James for financial mismanagement. The problem is that you do not believe him.

      It is the same with me. How many times have I been saying in my blog that I am not a priest, but some people do not believe me. Does this make me mentally insane or severely ill? The reasons have been given, but you simply chose not to believe it.

    6. You are 100% correct Diana! I and MANY OTHERS do not believe him! In one story regarding Msgr James', the Archbishop said the move to St. Anthony was a regular transfer and yet in another story he said the transfer was because of financial mismanagement. As for Father Paul, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 5:54 pm,

      I rest my case.

  6. how do we know diana is local? because she says so?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:20 p.m.,

      Yes, I am a local. I was born and raised on Guam. If you do not believe me, that is not my problem.

    2. It should be your problem Diana because if you can't make people believe you, then all your efforts on this blog, your view of the NCW, are just a waste of time.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:26 a.m.,

      I do not force anyone to believe. That is not my problem. If you do not believe me, then why even bother to come to this blog? Besides, I already know that you are more interested in convincing me to reveal my identity than anything else. Revealing myself to you is not going to change your mind about the NCW because you have already made up your mind about it.

  7. "If we want to remain Catholic, who are we to follow...Tim Rohr or the Archbishop." Is that another ultimatum?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:08 p.m.,

      No, that is a quiz on Catholic teaching. Here is the Catechism of the Catholic Church that will give you a hint to the correct answer if you are having a difficult time answering it. :)

      CCC 1269 Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection..........

  8. So who was the woman that stood up against the archbishop during that meeting? It was no one because, because it never happened. This is how reliable the jungle sources are. Actually they're a bunch of the best businessmen and storytellers and they deserve to be the new publishers of the Enquierer and they might as well bring back Unsolved Mysteries, truly entertaining.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:57 a.m.,

      I agree. And Tim HEARD this from someone. He LISTENED to that person and believed him. But they did not call it a LIE. They conveniently called it a mistake. But in the case of the NCW, the mistake is a lie.

      By the way, I am still waiting for the confirmation flight for Father John. The jungle accused the Archbishop and the NCW of hiding Father John in the seminary. And Tim Rohr HEARD this from someone. He LISTENED to that person. But where is the evidence?

    2. @12:57am E N Q U I R E R is the correct spelling. Now, who cares who stood up or didn't? The subject of Fr. James' IMPROPRIETIES should not continue to be publicly discussed until he has been informed and in his presence. Jackie T did discuss this. That much is true. And WRONG. DIANA, NOT.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:33 p.m.,

      From what I recall, it was a very big deal that someone stood up that so many comments were made under that post. Now that Tim realized that the information he received was incorrect, you are now saying "who cares who stood up or didn't"???

  9. What is wrong with you Diana? Why do you and your neo cats keep saying that people are not from guam? They live here! This is their home! I was not born here but I live here and my home is here. So what? What are you trying to say??????????

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:27 a.m.,

      Why are you so upset???? "Not from here" means just are not from here. Tim Rohr and Chuck White are not from here. They are not from Guam. The seminarians from Palau or Poland are also not from here. I am from here because I was born and raised here. If we decide to relocate to California and live there, that does not mean I am from California. If people in California ask me where I am from, I would say that I am from Guam even if I live in California, and I'm an American citizen. I am a Chamorro born and raised on Guam; therefore, I am from here.

    2. Anon 7:27,

      Why are you so upset?! I would stress it out as well that these two men (rohr and white) are not from here because they continue to attack priests who they (R&W) stress out are not from Guam. Now that someone from the NCW is saying it, you're upset?! You people are amazing.

      You can say it, but we can't? It does NOT work that way :)

  10. here is a real person's testimony of how maligned the Diocese is in promoting the way. In the entire Roman Catholic Church it is only on Guam where Diaconote Candidates are FORCED TO JOIN. Years later Pope Francis will announce and defend our freedom of joining and leaving these movements. The entire Catholic Church is SHAKING THEIR HEAD over Guam.

    ...""nobody is forced to join the NCW." This is just plain not true. No matter how many times we hear this, it still doesn't make it true.

    As was pointed out by myself and several other men in our meeting with the Nuncio back in July, we were forced to join the NCW by the Archbishop and Fr Adrian. We had been studying for 3.5 years and were told 5 months before our scheduled ordination that unless we joined a community and walked we would not be ordained. Our primary formator, Fr Tony Perez, was furious when he found out that this was being forced upon us. He met with the Archbishop, but the Archbishop refused to rescind the order.

    So, please stop parroting what you have been told when you do not know the facts. Some people have heard this so often they begin to think it is true, but the reality is that people have been forced to join. Also ask the three priests who wanted to be incardinated to our Archdiocese but were told they had to join the NCW or find a new home/new bishop."

    Deacon Steve Martinez

    1. Dear Deacon Steve Martinez,

      With all due respect, sir, if you cannot obey the Archbishop when he tells you to join the Way as a Deacon, then you should not be ordain a priest. A priest takes an oath to be obedient to his Bishop. So, if you cannot be obedient as a Deacon, how much more a priest? Pope Francis spoke about the joy of being a priest. which is guarded by three sisters: Sister Poverty, Sister Fidelity, and Sister OBIEDIENCE. According to the Pope:

      Obedience” is the third sister to priestly joy, the Pope declared. He explained that this is “An obedience to the Church in the hierarchy which gives us not simply the external framework for our obedience: the parish to which I am sent, my ministerial assignments, my particular work … but also union with God the Father, the source of all fatherhood”. It is also “obedience to the Church in service: in availability and readiness to serve everyone, always and as best I can”.

  11. Diana, the Archbishop said he has never imposed the Way on anyone. But Deacons Steve Martinez, Len Stohr and Bill Hagen reminded him in front of Archbishop Krebs that they all were told their diaconate ordination was conditional upon joining the Way. Both Archbishop and Fr. Adrian apologized for any "misunderstanding" in the presence of the Nuncio. They both gave lip service and said that they didn't mean to impose the Way on anybody.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:02 p.m.,

      The Archbishop cannot impose the Way on the laity. Deacons and priests, on the other hand, are different. Because they are under the Archbishop and must be obedient to him.

  12. AnonymousSeptember 13, 2014 at 2:43 PM....and why does the CATHOLIC EVIDENCE GUILD OF GUAM does not exist today? trohr and cwhite were instrumental and key components of this charism...why does it not exist today?

    If it had forbes as spiritual director...why is it not evident today? It exist in other parishes throughout Catholic communities worldwide by why did it die on Guam?


    1. To Anon @ 3:38 PM: As Diana would answer....I don't know, why don't you go ask them?

    2. AnonymousSeptember 14, 2014 at 9:37 PM,

      pointless to ask them as their pride will not allow them to see the failure of their work. They will blame global warming; the Arch Bishop....anything and everything. They will never accept that God saw through their true motivations. Look at the fruits of their work to date and we will also see what God saw in their hearts back then. El Camino comments below is food for thought.

    3. To Anon @ 3:38 PM:
      1. The claim about White and Rohr belonging to CEG of Guam was made by the author of A SEMI HUMOROUS SCENARIO.
      2. The claim about Forbes running CEG of Guam was made by the author of A SEMI HUMOROUS SCENARIO.
      3. The CLARIFICATION said White took over CEG of Guam. No mention of Rohr or of Forbes.
      4. Anon @ 9:37 PM is correct: You should ask White and Forbes what happened to CEG of Guam.
      5. Also, maybe you should ask where the author of A SEMI HUMOROUS SCENARIO got the idea that Rohr was in CEG of Guam and that Forbes ran CEG of Guam (both were wrong).

    4. AnonymousSeptember 15, 2014 at 8:12 AM

      let me understand your comment; are you in fact that these three men had no associations with CATHOLIC EVIDENCE GUILD OF GUAM? Yes or No?

  13. 3:38PM good point, they were promoting it in the mid 90's and no one supported em, sadly. Only being a hate blog, now they have support. Sadly some particular folks in Guam are intrigued such hate. Again, awaiting for the Pope's answer when everyone will run like cockroaches.

  14. Anonymous September 15, 2014 at 12:15 you go...

    trohr photo was on the web page but just like his blog......his comments were empty......wonder why?

    Are you desperate for a homily that’s orthodox and to the point? Look no further! Here are some homilies of Fr. Eric Forbes OFM Cap., a Capuchin Franciscan on the island of Guam who currently serves as the superior of his order’s province in Guam. These homilies were delivered to a live congregation of many young families. Fr. Eric, by the way, serves as a spiritual director for the Catholic Evidence Guild of Guam.
    >> Click Here for Talks and Homilies

    Chuck White and his wife Aggie and three of their six children and currently live in Tamuning, Guam. Chuck has been a member of the Catholic Evidence Guild of Guam since its founding in 2003.
    >> Click Here for Talks

  15. Wow. Much clarification needed. And some charity all over. I was a Lieutenant Commander at the time we organized the Catholic Evidence Guild of Guam to present the Faith as something reasonable. I still count members of the NeoCatechumenal Way all over the world among my friends. Know the Faith, know His Church. Robert Morgan, MD
