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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Flip Side Of Negativity

The following was written by Dr. Rick Eusebio.  The title was changed.  It is not the same title as in the Pacific Daily News.  Also, the last two paragraphs were taken out due to updated information.     


                                           The Flip Side of Negativity
Fantastic! Thank you, Tim for maintaining the neocatechumenal way in the
forefront of the media. However, let me dispel some of your views.
First, be aware of Mr. Rohr's intention of focusing on negativity, it is one of the best ways to prevent someone from drinking a nearly full glass instead of focusing on the fact that it is NOT full.
You quote one bishop from the Philippines but you failed to mention the 30 cardinals and 70 bishops and archbishops who have opened a Redemptoris Mater Seminary and the thousands of bishops who have neocatechumenal way communities throughout the world. There are now approximately 2000 seminarians and 1800 graduates. Since the formation of the Redemptoris Mater Seminaries, three seminarians have gone on to eventually become bishops in Brazil, Peru and Miami.
Just last April, the substitute Secretary of State of Pope Francis, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, in his letter written in the name of the Pope responding to someone who had interpreted the words of Pope Francis to the mission families in Rome in a negative way, said: “The Holy Father does well know the evangelizing dynamism of the Neocatechumenal Way, the experience of authentic conversion of life of so very many faithful, and the fruits of good generated thanks to the presence of the communities all over the world.”
Archbishop Becciu also wrote that the pope confirmed the Statutes of the Way, as it pertains to the Paschal vigil and the Sunday Eucharist. If Mr. Rohr thinks that the Neosare not following Rome’s instructions, he should ask cardinal Cañizares, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
These leaders beginning with Pope Paul VI,  Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been instrumental in promulgating and maintaining the very existence of the Way as it exists today. The same Pope Benedict XVI who rekindled the Latin mass was the person who introduced the neocatechumenal way in Germany, writing to two priest friends in Munich, when he was still a professor before becoming pope. Once pope, he recommended to open a Redemptoris Mater Seminary especially to many bishops in northern Europe. Not only has Pope Benedict XVI approved the definitive statutes in 2008, but in 2011 he has approved the content of all the catechesis (the 13 volumes, which were read page by page and praised and ratified) and in 2012 the celebrations and rites of the itinerary of the way.

True, the bishops in Japan preferred not to have the neocatechumenal way in Japan and eliminate the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Takamatsu. In doing this they chose their own way, despite papal recommendations; the answer of Pope Benedict was not to close the seminary but to transplant the Redemptoris Mater seminary for Japan to......Romehis home diocese, where it has been preparing priests for Japan!! One of these seminarians is from Tamuning.

Is this the leadership you are referring to? If the leadership of the Neocatechumenal Way begins with the Pope, how can that be a real problem? You claim to have a problem with only 1% of the Way. No , I believe you have a problem with 99% of the Way.

R.B. Eusebio, M.D., FACS, is a resident of Sinajana.




  1. Wow.

    1. "possible additions". What is that supposed to mean?
    2. Really? You're pretending to thank Satan (tim) now?
    3. And then immediately criticize him for doing so?
    4. Ok, so there are good bits and bad bits regarding the NCW. You say there are no bad bits. We say there are. Rather than admit to the possibility that there are bad bits, and faithfully attempt to reform them, you bang on about the positives, and the problems persist.
    5. "someone who had interpreted the words of Pope Francis to the mission families in Rome in a negative way". Well you fail to include the following, also from Becciu's letter:

    "His Holiness is convinced that the words above mentioned.... do not lend themselves to misunderstandings, "

    Oh dear. Do you not listen to the Pope? Especially when he clarifies his own words against *your* misunderstanding of him?

    6. "Archbishop Becciu also wrote that the pope confirmed the Statutes of the Way". In fact, he pointed out that there is no need to clarify what is already written in the Statutes. Have you read them? The part about the Paschal Vigil does not include permission to celebrate a second (or third or so on) Vigil in the parish.

    7. The "leaders", in the context of this post, the popes, have encouraged the good and discouraged the bad. Have promoted the activities of the Way insofar as they adhere to the action of the Church. Where they have not - in the liturgy, the catechetical directories, in matters of personal freedom and the internal forum etc - they have given sure, clear direction and amendment, which in fact has been largely ignored.

    8. By the way, the use of the term "leaders" is a typical sleight-of-hand from the NCW. Because, of course, when the critics of the NCW mention "leaders", they are referring to Kiko, the Gennarini's, the catechists and other hardliners. Certainly not the popes who have been ignored.

    9. So when we are asked "Is this the leadership you are referring to?" the answer is "No". Even if the "leadership of the Neocatechumenal Way begins with the Pope", whatever that actually means, it certainly doesn't end there. And the responsibility for the errors in the NCW belong with the aforementioned Kiko et al.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:36 p.m.,

      The possible additions was a criticism toward the Pacific Daily News rather than Tim Rohr. After all, they changed the title of the letter again.

      Rick's letter, on the other hand, was addressed to Tim Rohr. Yes, Dr. Eusebio was thank Rick for putting the NCW in the front page of the newspaper. It shows that we are doing such a great job. And Tim was also being criticizing for failing to mention the many bishops and cardinals who support the Way.

      As for Archbishop Becciu, I will be posting that in a few minutes so that everyone can read it rather than take it out of context. Our leaders have always been the Pope and the Archbishop. After all, look at what is happening today. It is the NCW who stands beside the Archbishop while you go against him. As for Kiko Arguello, the founder of the NCW, I will remind you that he is closer to the Pope than you are as a layperson due to the fact that the Pope confirmed him as Consulter of the Pontifical Council. So, you can say all you want about Kiko, but the fact remains is that he has a position in the Vatican.....a position that is definitely "Catholic."

    2. Let's about the's gone down the tubes!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:21 p.m.,

      You can talk about the leadership all you want, but the NCW has always followed Jesus Christ, the Pope and the Bishops. We do not go against the Pope and our Archbishop. On the other hand, we see the jungle going against the Archbishop.....and for what?? The finances in the Church?? That will be publish soon. The village churches are now publishing their own finances at their parish bulletin. The case with Father Paul?? That case is already being taken to Rome. So, why argue over that when Rome will be the one to settle it. The firing of Monsignor James?? The Archbishop already explained himself on that, and he was not the one who went to the media first.

      So exactly, what has gone down the tubes?

    4. anonymous, your fragmented 1-9 comments and questions either confirms a lack of understanding of the writers content and subject or an attempt to provide a reasonable response in matters that you know nothing about.

    5. 7:44 PM it was taken from an Italian website which is Anti-Catholi and cropted to thier belief.

    6. Anon at 7:44 and Anon at 8:40, neither of you have actually answered any of the points raised in Anon at 3:36.

    7. Like a previous anonymous writer who was commenting on Catholic theology but attended a Methodist university. Absolutely nothing against other religions or people's way of worshipping but growing in faith requires one to accept that they don't have faith. If you can't accept or understand how the NCW choose's to follow Christ so what? You say that you have faith? me..move Mt Lamlam. Can't huh....well there is always the ice cream truck that you can follow

    8. A copy of the actual documents from Archbishop Becciu can be found at:
