Blog Song

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Having The Upper Hand

I find it very interesting that Dana Rohr is an intern in the Pacific Daily News Vibes.  This is the coverpage of PDN Vibes in their facebook webpage, and Dana Rohr is located at the bottom right.  I wonder if having a family member employed under the PDN would have any influence on the editing of the Archbishop's press release, Father Pius' comments, Mr. Pablo M. Aglubat comments, and probably others submitted in favor of the Neocatechumenal Way?  Would that not be a conflict of interest? 


  1. Dear Catholics United,

    I saw Dana's facebook page. She wrote that she is an intern for PDN Vibes from 2011 to PRESENT.

  2. People on Vibe have nothing to do with the news printed. They have their own agenda and news releases. I know I was a Vibe member!

  3. Hey it's your mental health that you're fooling with not mine. PDN employer published a public article saying goodbye and wishing her well. ..and really, stalking on facebook? Who does she face as an accuser but a pseudonym?

  4. Dear Anonymous at 1:39 p.m.,

    Vibes is part of the Pacific Daily News. The fact that Tim Rohr's daughter worked and contributed to the PDN for the last 3 years CAN cause a conflict of interest in the matter. If she actually stepped down from PDN and forgot to correct her facebook page....her stepping down was only last month. I do not think that it is coincidental that the press release of the Archbishop, Father Pius' comments and others from the Way are being edited; yet, Monsignor James and Mr. Untalan's comments are fully published.

  5. Dear Destruction,

    For your information, I was not stalking. I was googling everything on the Pacific Daily News trying to figure out why the PDN appears to be biased against the Way. That was when I stumbled across PDN Vibes and decided to look at it. I saw Dana Rohr under the staff and found the PDN Vibes facebook page with her photo along with the other staff members.

  6. Going after Tim through the daughter?? You've stooped that low, huh? SMH

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:22 pm,

      Point out to me where I said anything bad or negative about his daughter. Rather, this shows the PDN's conflict of interest and may explain why some of comments of the Archbishop and those who support the Way were edited to show a more favorable view of the other camp.

    2. She has nothing to do with editing letters from people. Her job strictly focuses on students. Why don't you go to the Editor of PDN. The letters were directed to the editor. Where is your Christian like attitude? Shame on you. Focus and make plans for the next fuel of fire that is to pop up. Oh, how can you dispute something that has evidence. More to come...stay tune for the next episode of
      " What will now lurk in the jungle". Father Pius, we must make a plan of attack.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:27 pm,

      This has nothing to do with Dana. I am not attacking her. I am actually questioning the obvious unbalanced journalism of the Pacific Daily News because it appears that there is a conflict of interest.

  7. My first time here. I had to see for myself the attack on someone's innocent daughter. Unbelievable. What desperation would bring any adult, catholic for that matter, to such a low? Leave the kid alone and grow up.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:08 p.m.,

      Don't you think you are over-reacting?? I did not even say anything bad about the kid. I simply said that she works in PDN Vibes.

    2. Simply is not attack but odd and conflict of interest Anon 4:08. That explain the Pole was rigged.

  8. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Isn't that right, Diana?

  9. Dear Anonymous at 6:41 p.m.,

    Actually, curiosity got the better of me. I will be writing more about the Pacific Daily News and their obviously unbalanced journalism.

  10. I will give u till 8 am Sunday to take this post down about my daughter or I will call the FBI.

    1. Dear Tim,

      Welcome to my blog! :) I was beginning to wonder when the tiger was going to start roaring in from the jungle. Your daughter's photo, by the way, is all over the Internet regardless of whether you call the FBI or not. Nevertheless since you find the coverpage of VIBE (which was never your daughter) so offensive, it is taken down. But my post stays up. It is called "Freedom of expression", which all citizens are entitled under the Organic Act of Guam.

      You see, I never posted a photo of your daughter. It was the cover page of Vibe that I posted. But of course, you do not know the difference since you misconstrue and misinterpret everything anyway. You should read Dr. Eusebio's article on Transparency of Truth.

    2. Dr. Eusebio ' s article is a must read. Why don't you post it?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:34 a.m.,

      I already did. You can find it in this weblink below. It is indeed an excellent article:

    4. Relax Tim, a bully just got the taste of his bitter medicine. Yet is okay for you to crop the Archbishop's picture ti humiliate him and Diana posting your daughter's vibe Picture? Double standard here don't you think? The Administrator is entitled to show the audience about your conspiracy. Stolen e-mail etc.

    5. Dear El Camino,

      Not only did Tim put up the Archbishop's picture to humiliate him, he also put up Zoltan's picture and did the same. And Zoltan is not even a public figure. It is unfortunate that some people have selective memory.

    6. Just came from the jungle and saw that Tim originally put out a reward for your identity Diana. Freedom of speech does not protect against inciting words. Stay safe Diana! You have our support. Keep up the good work in revealing truth because the Jungle has resorted to extreme measures!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 7:23 pm,

      I am not surprised. When Father Pius spoke out in the media, look at what Tim Rohr did. He started a petition to have Father Pius removed. As I said, Tim believes that freedom of expression applies only to him and no one else.

  11. He came here for no other reason than the threat against his daughter. Any parent would do the same. Maybe you don't understand that, but a real woman would. Be a Christian and turn the other cheek. Take down this post about his daughter. It's not right.

    If you feel PDN is biased, call them out. Boycott their paper, there is MVariety. Calling out someone's child and stalking them is scary and uncalled for. To make it worse, she doesn't even work there anymore. You are disintegrating to a clanging gong. Please have more sense.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:07 a.m.,

      And what threat was that???? Nowhere was a threat ever made. Please make some sense.

      In the jungle, however, Tim had made a lot of threats against me and even Zoltan if I remember correctly. This "You're Next, Diana" was posted twice on his blog. Zoltan even admitted that there were threats regarding his job.

      The first thing that all communists governments did was go after the mass media. Once you control the mass media, you can discredit your opponents and brainwash the populace.

    2. AnonymousAugust 10, 2014 at 8:07 AM let's see here;

      The following articles and docs he obtain;

      > Tagle's Letter
      > Wadeson's E-mail
      > Audio from KOLG
      > Meeting from Krebs.

      These information does not belong to him along with many more defamation he has done.

      Lastly DEFAMATION is not freedom of speech.

  12. Oh my that explain everything that the media is all in their favor. Again Tim you have won the battle including a land slide pole in your favor. This remind me the election in Manila.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:34 a.m.,

      Thank you for the correction. Let me rephrase that: The first thing that all communist governments and dictatorship did was go after the mass media. Once you control the mass media, you can discredit your opponents and brainwash the populace.

  13. Why is Tim calling the FBI? He has and still is defaming our Archbishop.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:49 a.m.,

      He is defaming everyone who goes against him. He even called Father Pius a liar just because Father Pius had the courage to speak to the media. Perhaps, Tim believes that Freedom of Expression applies only to him and no one else.

  14. Okay maybe we should call FBI in Timmy. HERE AS FOLLOW.

    > Screen shot of a young lady from her FB. Posted on his blog six months ago.

    > Pictures of Priest in the way with statement of insults.

    > Audio files stolen used for black mail or plot.

    > Cardinal Tagle's letter address to J.Dulla

    > Archbishop Krebs minutes with a remark Gag Order

    > Fr.Wadeson's personal e-mail. Again not address to him.

    Many more. If any of you, would like to chime in feel free.

  15. Kids and families are off-limits in all matters. Tim's family has nothing to do with the issues at hand. Any credibility that you may have had to begin with is gone by stooping so low...

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:22 p.m.,

      Any famous person or celebrity will tell you that there is a price to pay for fame and glory. Many people know about the kids of famous people because that was the price they paid. The beauty about living in a democracy is that we have freedom of expression. In our society, we can speak out our opinions. So, when I say that the PDN may have a conflict of interest because a family member of Tim Rohr works there......that is an opinion protected by our rights in the Organic Act of Guam.

  16. And hence the new low... You justify your actions without considering the danger you put that child in. Worse yet, you call it, "the price to pay". That is not the behavior of a Christian, regardless ... and just because something is "legal" doesn't make it "ethical" or "moral"....

    Just stop and think about what you are portraying as a representative of "the Way"... it's not a very good image if you think this is okay by any stretch.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:42 p.m.,

      That is not justification. That is actually REALITY. That is why I would never have my child's photo on the Internet or even school newspaper. When they become an adult, they can make the decision to have their photo on the internet if they want.

      Besides, after 48 hours, I do not think this post is what is bothering Tim. The coverpage of Vibe has aleady been taken down. It is most likely my last two posts that bothered him, Fantasy news in the jungle and Is it Money?
