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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Peace Talks

Apparently, the problem is in the clergy, and that is where it should start.  The laity should not be involved.  When Archbishop Krebs was here, listening to the clergy......that was a good start.  And that can continue on if the Archbishop desires it.  However, there is a problem that needs to be addressed FIRST before "peace talks" can continue.  The problem that needs to be addressed is the fact that information was leaked out of a closed meeting.  The minutes of the meeting and probably even a recording had fallen into the wrong hands.  Furthermore, the email that Father John sent to his brothers (fellow priests) was also leaked out.  Apparently, someone either forwarded the email or printed it out and gave it to the wrong hands.  

This can be addressed in either two ways:  

1.  Everyone's cell phones and recording devices should be confiscated before entering the meeting.  It is unfortunate that this may have to be done because an individual priest does not know how to act like an intelligent adult.  This is what one happens when one person sins.  The sin of one person can cause the suffering of many others.   

2.  Find the culprit and remove him from the clergy.  I know this sounds harsh, but even Israel feels that Hamas needs to be taken out before "peace talks" can resume with the moderates who have been striving for peace.  



  1. Whoa, Dianna....calm down . This is powerful stuff coming from a young woman walking for only eight years. A woman, not a man and not a priest. We may have different ideas as to which side is Hamas. All the missiles of late have come from the hill.yesterday was a big bomb in our yard. Now you're talking about getting rid of people....are you sure you are not Vladimir? Diana, all wound up.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:10 p.m.,

      Calm down.......That was my sarcasm. People who know me personally know that I can be very sarcastic at times. Another sarcasm that people probably did not pick up on was my solution 1 and solution 2 for priests in my "A Couple of Solutions" post.

      I said "remove him from the clergy" means excommunicate him. That is what I meant by getting rid of him, not to kill him.

    2. By the way, excommunication is harsh.

    3. Excommunication is more severe than capital punishment. The Church declares it very rarely. I have been helped immensely by the Church through the NCW. I hope there will be peace and reconciliation in Guam (even though I am not from around there). This sort of sarcasm is not helpful, Diana. Don't make this one a hate-blog too.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:14 p.m.,

      I do not intend to make this into a hate blog. My sarcasm in here is irony. (In fact, most of my sarcastic remarks are the ironic version of sarcasm.) Church history has shown that priests have been excommunicated for disobedience. Disobedience is a serious charge in the Catholic Church and even the Holy Bible screams for obedience.. If there is anything that one should be sarcastic about, it would be sin. Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven for disobedience. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden for disobedience, and the Church has every right to kick out a Catholic priest for blatant disobedience. (This is another sarcasm, by the way.)

      I cited two options in my post: Either to get rid of the disobedient culprit or to get rid of the cell phones and any recording devices before entering the meeting room. Those were the two options I suggested.

  2. They should excommunicate you Diana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:29 p.m.,

      On what charge?? I never went against the Archbishop nor said anything derogatory against the Church.

  3. In order to resume peace talks, one needs to remove the obstacle whose intention is to destroy rather than seek resolution. The only reason a priest would leak information is because he does not want to seek any unity or reconciliation with his brother priests. So, he compromises their trust.

  4. Or maybe he wants the truth to be known.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:33 p.m.,

      Are you not interested in reconciliation and in resolving problems that exist???? All the clergy were there with the Nuncio and were able to express how they felt. This is the first step to reconciliation. Expressing what the problem is and coming to some kind of solution.

      As the Nuncio said, there was good progress, but it needs to continue on. Then one of the clergy ended up undermining that progress by leaking out information to Tim Rohr where all did was ridicule everything that was said in the minutes. Tim is not after the truth. He is obsessed with the Archbishop, and he wants revenge no matter who gets hurt in the process.

      How can the peace process continue without having every priest wondering whether what they say will be recorded and whatever emails or letters they write will fall into the wrong hands only to be publicized and ridiculed??
