Blog Song

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pride And Humility

Pride was a sin found in Lucifer because he wanted to sit on God's throne, and so he was cast out of Heaven.  Pride was also the first sin that Adam and Eve committed.  In their disobedience was pride for they wanted to be "like God" to decide for themselves what is good and evil. 

It is very easy to distinguish between a humble man from a proud man.  The Holy Bible describes the proud as a mocker who behaves with fury (Proverbs 21:24) and is always full of strife (Proverbs 13:10).  The proud is the person who always says "I".  In a conversation, everything is about himself.  It is always "I did this, I did that, and I know."    

Humility is the opposite of the proud.  St. Thomas Aquinas described humility as "seeing ourselves as God sees us.  Humility means knowing that every good we have comes from God as gift, that we depend on him for everything." 

St. Therese of Lisieux wrote, "The beginning of all holiness is humbly admitting that without God we can do nothing, but that with, in and through him, everything is possible."

Finally, St. Teresa of Avila defined humility in one word: truth.  By this, she means that humility is accepting the truth about ourselves.......accepting our strengths, limitations, and weaknesses, knowing, of course, that our strengths come from God.  Denying either our strengths or limitations is a form of pride.  When St. Teresa of Avila said that "humility is truth", that does not mean to go out boasting to everyone that you know for a fact that the earth revolves around the sun....and you can prove it.  A person who does this is only saying that he/she is actually the center and everything revolves around him/her.  

The following are examples distinguishing between the proud (arrogant) and the humble: 

1.  The humble person does not get upset if he/she is overlooked or not recognized.  The proud wants to be recognized and is angry if overlooked

2.  The humble person does not care that others get the credit for his/her work.  The proud wants due credit.  It was his/her work and therefore deserves the credit.
3.  The humble person has no problem accepting his/her need for help, be it God's help or human help.  The proud believes that he is capable of doing the work himself/herself and does not need any help. 

4.  The humble person knows his/her limitations and weaknesses, and acts accordingly.  The proud says "What limitations? He/she has none." 

5.  The humble person readily admits any wrongdoing and does not hesitate to ask for forgiveness.  The proud person denies any wrongdoing and demands an apology from the other. And when he/she is given a verbal apology, it is not enough.  He/She needs a written apology so they can frame it and hang it on his/her wall for show and tell.

6.  The humble person knows his/her strengths and offers to use them where they can benefit the community.  The falsely humble person does not recognize his/her strength.

7.  The humble person is not concerned about his/her image before others.  The proud is always concern about his/her image and reputation before others. 

8.  The humble person is comfortable with who he/she is and does not care much if that is not acceptable to other people.  The proud cares who he/she is seen with.  

9.  The humble person seeks to improve and grow in maturity.  The proud thinks they are already grown-up and mature. 

10.  The humble person can accept correction and constructive criticism.  The proud thinks that they are always right and the other is always wrong.   


  1. Diana why does Tim get upset when he is proven wrong.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:45 p.m.,

      I do not know. The last time I checked his blog, I saw a mad bull frothing at the nose. I guess Bernie's comment upset him.

    2. So, Diana, what about you? Are you humble or proud?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:22 p.m.,

      Most of the time, I am humble. Of the ten that I listed in my post above, my problem is number 3. I am a very independent person. I do not like asking for help because I believe that I am capable of doing the work on my own. This is where my pride is found. It is found in my work.

    4. Well. if its any consolation, I can assure you that you shouldn't be proud of your work.


  2. Tim Rohr continues to descredit the initiator of the WAY short brief information below.

    VATICAN CITY (Zenit) - The Catholic lay Neocatechumenal Way has received the Church's final approval of its statues; the degree of recognition will be presented to the group's founders Friday.

    Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, will give Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández the decree expressing the Church's approval of the groups organization and charism.

    The group began in Spain in 1964, the mid 1960s. It is parish-based and forms small communities of renewal within parishes.

    The Way was initiated by painter Argüello, a convert from atheistic existentialism, and Hernández, a missionary. They worked among prostitutes, gypsies and ex-convicts in a novel approach to the evangelization of the "fallen away."

    Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo of Madrid was the first prelate to support the movement, on his return from the Second Vatican Council. The first communities were born in the parishes of Zamora, Madrid and Rome. Today they are active in some 5,000 parishes worldwide.

    According to the founders, the Way is a concrete response to numerous pastoral intuitions of Vatican II, such as, the rediscovery of the Easter Vigil, the laity's participation in evangelization.

    An example of this last principle is the novelty of sending "families on mission," in response to requests from local bishops to provide, together with a priest, an initial evangelization for those areas where the Church has not been established.

    The groups first official recognition came in 1990 in the form of a letter of acknowledgement from the Pontifical Council for the Laity, in which Pope John Paul II described the Way as "an itinerary of Catholic formation valid for our society and for our times."

    Tim Rohr continue to bash Zenit;ZENIT is a non-profit news agency that reports on the Catholic Church and issues important to it from the perspective of Church doctrine. ZENIT's motto is, "The world seen from Rome.

    Tim Rohr discredit also Stanisław Cardinal Ryłko the President of the Pontifical Council. His statement:Cardinal Ryłko has said that the time has come for Christians to free themselves from their false inferiority complex against the so-called secular world, to be courageous disciples of Christ.

    Now Tim Rohr not only go against the Archbishop but also an icon for secularism. Why? Read his long winded blog.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:43 p.m.,

      I do not go to JW too often because most of the time, JW is repetitive. Bernie even pointed out that Tim Rohr posted 16 things on just the "invitation" alone. 16 things on the same subject is too redundant and monotonous.

  3. Tim has been proven wrong on many occasions, he just doesnt allow those comments to ever see the day. Tim doesnt allow comments that compromise him or his blog. I have made numerous comments that were not allowed. Things are a bit crazy now, all because of him.
    There was a clergy meeting held today at the chancery. This meeting was not called by the Archbishop but by a group of priests that saw the need for it. Guess what was the overall subject? Yep! you guessed it.
    Tim has gotten in over his head and he is at a point of no return. He is being reckless and mindless of his comments. It is very evident and sadly the only people following him are of his kind. The church on Guam does not need to worry about the damage of jw. There is no damage because the deceit is in the lie that jw represents the majority of catholics on Guam. It doesnt, and the blog owner knows this. The vast majority of catholics on guam are catholics by birth. They have no real concept of their faith. Many priests(non-neo) speak of these catholics who are "seasonal" christmas, easter, thanksgiving etc.. This is why the other denominations are rising. They are going door to door and reaching out to the people all the while we have a group of people who are busy with their veils and staring at the rear of a priest. I dont have a problem with this but I mention it because this is not what the times are seeking. Then tim would brag that, there are a strong young group of people who are patronizing the latin rite. Well, that same great group of young people are being given guns and not being taught how to use them. For example, I was in the presence of a conversation between a Latin Traddie and a woman who attends a Baptist church on-island. This woman was interested in experiencing the Catholic Faith and had just shared her admiration for the sacraments, she more so spoke about how she really wanted to go to confession. Well, without the need to even go there, this young gentleman Traddie decided to call out the Baptist church on all their flaws. What an approach to evangelization! I already knew where he learned it from. The young baptist woman, well how would you feel?
    You see Tim is calling out the Archbishop and anyone associated with the NCW on Guam with criticisms and exclaiming that these are issues only associated with the NCW. Everytime things are pointed out to him that are obviously in favor of the NCW, he doesnt allow the comment.
    Anyways, the jw blog has taken a turn for the worse and has fallen in line with all the other bogus blogs out there. Joy!

    1. Anon Wow. I taught I was the only one who notice that on Tim.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 1:27 a.m.,

      I can see that all Junglewatch do is copy and paste from other anti-Way sites. That is the reason they are all the same redundant and monotonous information. They simply copy off each other. You are correct. A majority of Catholics do not follow Tim Rohr. He is representative of only a very few number.

      I did not know that a group of priests called a meeting about Junglewatch. Tim Rohr has mocked the Archbishop, and we all know that he does not endorse what the Pope endorses which is the NCW. A Catholic who has no respect for the Archbishop and who only mocks him and what the Pope endorsed has already put himself outside the Catholic Church. In other words, he has already excommunicated himself. If the Archbishop wishes to make that excommunication official, that is his decision.

      In our communities, we have a few Protestant converts. A person who evangelizes by criticizing other religious beliefs will have no success. As a whole, the one thing I learned and admire from my Protestant brothers is their love for scripture. It was their love for scripture that brought Protestant converts like Scott Hahn into Catholicism.

    3. This is wrong information! I have a copy of that letter that the Archbishop sent to the clergy about this meeting! I am not Tim!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:52 a.m.,

      Why are you coming here if you have a copy of the Archbishop's letter? I am not Tim. You have a letter from the Archbishop sent to the clergy? Am I correct then to assume that you are one of the clergy?? Or did you just somehow manage to get a copy of a letter meant only for the clergy?

    5. AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 8:52 AM your a mole and out to destroy your own Church, may GOD have mercy on you and I hope you can sleep at night. Aren't you concern about your soul? Your out to destroy your own Church, is a SHAME. Tomorrow may not be promise to you.

    6. The point is, it's another LIE!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:08 a.m.,

      Well, if it is a lie, it did not come from the NCW. I did not hear of any meeting at all. Therefore, as you can see, it is not only the NCW that can be misinformed. Misinformation abounds everywhere even in the Pacific Daily News. A lie, on the other hand, is something different. Mistakes, misinformation, miscommunication and other human errors occur, and these are not lies because lies are deliberate actions used to deceive.

    8. By the way, Anonymous at 11:08 a.m., you did not answer my question. Are you a clergy who is supposed to have this letter? Or are you a layperson who somehow managed to get a hold of this letter meant for the clergy? Am I correct in assuming that you are not a clergy? And if you are not a clergy, what then is your intent on using this letter???

    9. I am who I am, just as you are who you say you are!

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:30 a.m.,

      Herein lies the difference between you and me. Like you, I seek the truth, but not through dishonest means. Christ is the Truth, and He will always reveal the Truth through honesty, not through dishonesty and deceit. If I am misinformed (as I was with the invitation), God will make it clear, but He will do it in a way where there is no personal gain for anyone or through deceitful means.

    11. Because I won't tell you who I am this entails being dishonest. I know what truth is... My parents taught me well!

    12. Dear Anonymous at 11:55 a.m.,

      You misunderstood me. If you are not a clergy and are in possession of a letter you are not supposed to have, then your intention is dishonest.

    13. It doesn't matter who I am just it doesn't matter what your real name is! So let's keep it at that. God knows who you are and who I am.

    14. AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 11:55 AM if your parents taught you well then your untruthful to them. Simply because your against the Archbishop and the fellow Christian. Which equate to the Pope and his Church. Think about it.

    15. Don't judge me for I don't judge you! Keep your opinion of me to yourself and I will keep my opinion of you to myself. Do not preach to me about untruth fullness, disobedience or being against the Catholic Church. What I believe in is between me and my God. Not between you and me. Not between Tim and me.

    16. At Diana 11:47

      I believe it was God that moved Cardinal Tagle to forward the letter to Tim. That is how God works to fight evil like you; through good men.

    17. Dear Anonymous at 2:46 pm,

      God moved the Cardinal to give the letter to Jennifer Dulla, Tony Diaz, and Sister Mariam to make corrections in the Umatuna. Tim Rohr has nothing to do with the Umatuna and therefore had to obtain a copy of the letter from someone other than the Cardinal. Tim said that he obtained the copy from a contact in Manila. Only three people got it straight from the cardinal, and Tim Rohr was not on the list.

  4. It's funny how Tim Rohr was the main go-to man, the main witness, the main voice, for the Archbishop in political representation when such grave matters as abortion and gay rights came to the legislative floor on Guam, defending the Catholic Church and it's beliefs when these true evils of secularization tried and continue to try to get footing on the island.

    No esteemed brothers who hold higher professional pedigrees, M.D., PhD, JD, ESQ, came forward with all of their COURAGE to stand up for Catholic Values when the abortion activists were on the legislative floor. It Just self-employed businessman Tim Rohr. It's as if your courage only exists during admonition time.

    And it's funny how Tim saw the injustice happening before his eyes, the attempted transfer of real estate RMS Seminary property to NCW, would be aspiring seminarians forced to go RMS or nothing, the Fr. Paul Gofigan affair, to name but a few going on in this Archdiocese and simply brought it OUT TO THE LIGHT with documentation, corroboration, and the non-repudiation of his Christian Name authoring it all.

    @ 1:27. There are more Catholics by birth here that do know their faith than you think and these forums have become a vehicle for them to voice their opinions, from both sides i should say, don't look downward at the herd kneeling in the pews.

    -Catholics United-

    1. Dear Catholic United,

      Everything you say in here glorifying Tim Rohr speaks about pride. This post is about pride and humility. I see only pride and glorification for Tim Rohr in your post. Tim Rohr did not accomplish anything if it had not been for God. Tim Rohr is nothing without God. Therefore, all glorification should have gone to God rather than to Tim Rohr.

    2. He volunteered many occasion and the Church assumed that he is the servant of the Church, now he is to destroy and made a division. Since 1996 Tim,Chuck White and that doctor from Naval Hospital was against the Neocathecumenal way. I've been listening to their radio program in KOLG that no one listen to. It died in less than two months, the Church was dead back then. Nothing was going on, they tried a similar program a charismatic program that died also. Tim has a store in Agana Shopping Center called John Paul the Great, a way to evangelize. It failed! The WAY lived among the people it brought people back to the Church including myself WHO want's to burn this Church cuz it was nothing going on for me. Whatever fruits we testify to you all (JUNGLE WATCH), you opt to not to listen. I've seen former brothers who are in community that bash the Archbishop and the Community. Maybe they have a HUGE judgement towards the others and the cathechist because they want to follow their own will. I know for fact many suffered through this but GOD gave you a free will. Again NO ONE force the WAY charism on your throat. If you wan to be a Christian Mother be one, fantastic!

  5. well in Catholic defense, all you guys do is besmirch his name behind the protection of anonymity.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:23 a.m,

      On the contrary. Nowhere on my blogsite do you see Tim's name as a POST. Nowhere on my blogsite do you see a photo of Tim Rohr as a POST. I never degrade Tim by calling him names like "liar" or "fool." I call his blogsite redundant and monotonous.....meaning that his blogsites repeats many things and therefore can be dull. But that is not attacking the man.

    2. Surely you jest. Every second thing you say is directed against Tim Rohr as a person. You may as well call this blog "Neocatechumenal Way - An Ad Hominen View".

      Honestly, I've been around, but I've never, ever, come across a more deluded group of people, let alone in the Catholic Church. It is absolutely no wonder that the NCW is finally on the ropes. Personally, I truly hope the whole NCW edifice crumbles. It is disgraceful (that means "lacking grace", by the way)

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:16 pm,

      You have me confused with Junglewatch. As I said I do not make a mockery of a person by putting his name as a post to be mocked at.

    4. Anon 3:16 PM on the ropes? In your dire dream. Three more priest are going to be ordain from RMS. Delusional I see. Hmmmmm

  6. what will happen when Kiko dies?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:42 pm,

      The NCW continues on, and God will choose someone for the International Team Catechists. Even Opus Dei continued on when their Founder passed away.

    2. Why are you asking Diana? He doesn't know.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:50 p.m.,

      I am a she, and it is in the Statutes Title VI, Article 34 Section 2 and 3. The Statutes tells what will take place if any of the Initiators of the Way passes away.

  7. Humility is a most necessary trait. Those who pride themselves as sinless are the most wretched among the sinners. Because we are all sinners, none is free of sin. Jungle blog admitted of getting the Tagle letter on June 1st. They still published 16 blog entries with 548 comments dealing with the invitation until they showed the letter. This was a deception, a trap, a snare. All these blog entries and comments are living and documented proofs of their sinful ways to conceal truth, incite prejudice and hatred.

    Jungle blog thinks they do not owe apology to Cardinal Tagle. But they are wrong! They cover misdeeds by more lies and more slander. Any explanation published at Jungle blog is an even bigger and bigger lie than the previous one was. This is how Jungle blog works! But they betray their lies by contradicting themselves. They say they were allowed to publish the Tagle letter, because Umatuna did not make the correction. But Umatuna actually made the correction! Still, Jungle blog published the Tagle letter anyway. Therefore it is inevitable to conclude that Jungle blog breached the trust of Cardinal Tagle by inappropriately obtaining and handling his letter. You see how big fat lies committed at Jungle blog come into light on the brightness of truth.

    As Pope Leo XIII says in his encyclical letter Humanum Genus:

    “Wherefore, reason and truth itself make it plain that the society of which we are speaking is in antagonism with justice and natural uprightness. And this becomes still plainer, inasmuch as other arguments, also, and those very manifest, prove that it is essentially opposed to natural virtue. For, no matter how great may be men's cleverness in concealing and their experience in lying, it is impossible to prevent the effects of any cause from showing, in some way, the intrinsic nature of the cause whence they come. "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor a bad tree produce good fruit."”


    1. Bernie you are right, is not address to Tim but Dulla. If that was in the U.S mail you will suffer a federal crime.

  8. Comment from Tim's blog:
    TimJune 13, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    Yes. Very funny. All I've heard from "her" is about how WRONG I am, and when "she" is proven wrong, she lectures us about humility. By the way Diana, how "humble" is it to hide your identity while you preach? Not humble at all because it doesn't cost you anything. REALLY? Is this what Jesus would do?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:56 pm,

      The proud enjoy having their names on neon lights for everyone to see. The humble does not care if their names are forgotten. God remembers my name.

    2. Tim enjoy being in the spotlight; remember he came from LA. Liberal city and probably he was nothing and to come here establish his failed way of evangelizing. His tactic is to lure you and manipulate you that your blessing thru the WAY is false. With false statement of the newly ordain deacons.

  9. Bernie do write more. More please.

  10. Happy Father's Day, Diana!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:42 p.m.,

      I am a female, not a male. And I am not a priest.

    2. Realize YOUR not a priest. Not smart enough even for RMS.
