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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Three Recommendations of the Pope

First Recommendation: Communion is essential sometimes it can be better to renounce living in all details that your itinerary demands, in order to ensure the unity among those who form one ecclesial community, of which you must always feel that you are part.   

In places like Japan and Nepal some bishops have banned the Way. In those places, the members of the Way have followed their bishops rather than disobey them.  For example, in Nepal, Bishop Anthony Sharma suspended the activities of the Neocatechumenal Way.  According to the article (provided below), members of the Way obeyed the Bishop's decision and prayed that he reconsidered.  

In Japan, the Japanese bishops ordered the Neocatechumenal Way out of their country for a period of 5 years, but the Vatican set up new talks between the Japanese bishops and representatives of the Way.  Today, a few Japanese bishops still ban the Way from their dioceses.  According to the article some of the diocesan bishops have complained that the Way has undermined the unity of the Catholic community.  But who is persecuting whom?

In Guam, there are members of the Way who take part in the Parish Church. Some of them involve themselves in the Parish by becoming lectors, by becoming Faith Formation instructors and coordinators, by doing volunteer and maintenance work around the Parish, and even donating their time and skills in repairing broken air-conditioning units and cleaning around the Church grounds. 

While it may be true that a few members of the Way do not attend the Parish Mass, this is not true for everyone walking in the Way.  I know for a fact that some of the community brothers and sisters I walk with attend regular Sunday Mass in the Parish more than once a month.  I happen to be one of them. Other brothers in my community attend Mass daily.  Yet, much of the negative criticisms and judgments against the Way continues on.   

Second Recommendation: Even more important will be your commitment to "learn" the culture you will encounter.

I agree that when one is sent to another country, it is important to learn the language and culture of the people in that country.  The many seminarians who come from different countries here are trying to do that.  English is not their primary language, but I have seen first hand how their English has improved over time.  However, it is unfortunate that a few people have criticized and judged their accent despite how hard they have learned the English language.    

Final Recommendation: The freedom of each person must not be forced, and even the eventual choice of someone who decides to seek outside of the Way, other forms of Christian life that help him to grow in response to the call of the Lord must be respected. 

The Way started out as an invitation to people.  Pamphlets were given out inviting them to catechesis and encouraged to come by its members. Thousands of invitations were sent, but only a handful would come to the catechesis.  It was their choice to attend.  And there are also members who have left the Neocatechumenal Way, and even members who have returned.  

One member I know left the community and went to the United States.  After 8 years, he returned to Guam and to his own community and has remained with them thus far.  As a member of the Neocatechumenal Way, I've been walking for 7 years.  A person does not have to be in the Way to grow in faith and live out their baptism.  Mother Theresa was never in the Neocatechumenal Way, but she grew in faith and lived out her baptism.  It is possible for someone outside the Way to grow in faith.  It is also possible for those inside the Way to also grow in faith.  To grow in faith and to live out our baptism means to become sons and daughters of live a holy life in which God called each and everyone of us to live, and to evangelize as Christ commanded all of us to preach the Good News.     

Pope Francis I has endorsed the Neocatechumenal Way.  Why is this important?  It is important because the Pope is the Successor of the Apostle Peter.  The Pope makes clear that the Neocatechumenal Way is part of the Catholic Church, not separate from her.   

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