Blog Song

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Truth About My Identity.

In Junglewatch, I was falsely accused by Tim Rohr of being a Neo-priest.  I posted Tim Rohr on his blogsite that his accusations were false, but he did not publish my comment.  Why was my comment not published?  Why did he not set the record straight?  Regardless of whether he believes me or not, the fact is....... my comment was not published and should have been published. As I said before, there are two sides to every story.  My side should be heard.       

I am definitely a female, and I've been walking in the Way for 7 years. I am also a Co-Responsible. I am not a priest at all.  My words are my own except for the Catholic sources that I cite or quote on my blogsite.  I always cite any quotes I get from Catholic sources or websites in blue or red.  Tim Rohr is also incorrect when he said that members of the Way are probably kept away from the GIRM.  That is only his opinon, and Tim is not walking in the Way. I am walking in the Way.  

When I first entered the Neocatechumenal Way seven years ago, the members of the community were sitting down when they received the Body of Christ.  The Statutes were approved in May, 2008.  The Statutes were printed in September, 2008.  The annual convivience of the Way is usually held in October.  We did not get those approved Statutes yet until it was printed and sent to Guam.  

By the next annual convivience, the Statutes were made available and given to the Responsibles and Co-Responsibles in the annual convivience.  Yes, I was there when we purchased the approved Statutes.  The Statutes were read from beginning to end at that convivience by Father Pius, and we were instructed of the changes.  The Responsibles and Co-Responsibles made their communities aware of these changes and had them implemented.  Since that time, the members of the Way have been standing when they receive the Body of Christ.  Those who were born in the newer communities can attest to the fact that they have been standing up when they receive the Body of Christ.

Furthermore an anonymous poster asked me about the Kiko demo that Tim Rohr posted.  Therefore, I am responding on my blogsite since I doubt that Tim Rohr would publish my comment on his blogsite.  Whoever the poster is, I hope and pray that you find my blogsite so that you can read my response to your question.  

The demo that was posted was not in English, so anyone can interpret it any way they want it.  What is often said goes with the body language.  So, how does one know that Kiko was giving the Pope a catechesis or lecture, when he might have easily been reporting the fruits of the Way or even expressing his frustrations on China's policy?   The fact that it was published in a foreign language where most of our English readers cannot comprehend Spanish gives an advantage to Tim Rohr.  Why didn't he publish it in English so that everyone can judge for themselves rather than just take his word for it?   

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