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Friday, February 7, 2014

On Judgments.

A person who has already judged the Neocatechumenal Way as heretical has already made up his/her mind, and no reasonable explanation can open their minds to give any benefit of the doubt.  They can demand answers to their questions and require that the Way show some kind of evidence to support their side, but any answer we give will only be labeled as "misinformation".  Why?  Because the person has already judged.

If one is honestly interested in knowing the truth, they would reserve judgments and attend a Neocatechumenal Eucharist to see for himself/herself. Relying on anti-Way websites and disgruntled ex-members of the Way is only hearing one side of the story.  That would be like a Fundamentalist Christian reading anti-Catholic websites and listening only to ex-Catholics in order to understand Catholicism.  Scott Hahn was one of those anti-Catholics. However, he converted after he listened to what the Catholic Church had to say. In other words, he had to hear it straight from the horse's mouth to truly understand Catholicism.      

Our Catholic faith instructs us not to judge.....something that is very difficult to do, but not impossible to accomplish.  With God, all things are possible. Therefore, when faced with judgments and demands from the critics and opponents of the Way, the best response is silence.  After all, one cannot change the other person.  One can only change himself/herself through the grace of God.  

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