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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Guam Clergy Sexual Abuse Part 2

 The Guam Clergy sexual abuse started with John Toves who accused former Archbishop Anthony Apuron of sexually abusing his relative....a relative whom he never spoke to. According to KUAM news:

Toves is accusing the archbishop of sexually abusing his relative over thirty years ago. Despite these allegations however Toves admits that he had never spoken personally to his relative about the alleged abuse.  According to Toves he obtained the information through fellow seminarians when he was in the seminary.  At this point no victim has stepped forward.

 The Guam Clergy sexual abuse never started with Roy Quintanilla. Nevertheless, Roy Quintanilla came out in 2016, accusing Apuron of sexually abusing him. According to Tim Rohr:

I have shared this many times, but it needs to be continually shared. These four did not demand compensation, they demanded an apology - only an apology. At that point, Apuron could have put out a statement saying "I'm sorry, but I did not abuse you" and it probably would have all been over. 

But he didn't. While he did state that he did not abuse them, he also threatened to sue them for saying so.

This is false. The lawwsuit was for those who put out an ad targeting the former Archbishop.  According to news report (the bold is mine):

On Friday, the archdiocese announced plans to file lawsuits against those who had been spreading “malicious lies” about the local Roman Catholic Church, addressing a full-page advertisement published locally the previous weekend that asked victims of sexual abuse to come forward.

In his video statement, Apuron referred to what he called “malicious ads.” Concerned Catholics of Guam, a group that has been critical of the archbishop, paid for the ads.

The video clearly showed the former Archbishop saying, "malicious ads." You can see the video here. The video and news report came out after Roy accused Apuron of sexually abusing him. After that video, Roy Quintanilla called Apuron a liar. 

The first four accusers of Apuron after John Toves were all from Agat and knew each other. They were Roy Quintanilla, Roland Sondia, Walter Denton, and Doris Concepcion who claimed her deceased son was sexually abused. However, there were only two people who came forward, stating  that they reported their sexual abuse to Father Jack Niland ( who was deceased). Those two were Roy Quintanilla and Walter Denton. Both claimed that Father Jack brushed off their plea for help. However, Deacon Tenorio came out, stating that there were no reports of sexual abuse filed by Father Jack Niland. 

So, Frances Chargulaf, who is also a friend of Roy Quintanilla and lives in the same state as Walter Denton, came forward and accused Father Jack Niland of sexually abusing him. With that allegation, everyone would probably conclude the reason why no reports were filed by Father Jack. 

Nevertheless, Roy Quintanilla had positive things to say about Father Jack after he passed away. According to Roy Quintanilla:

Roy Quintanilla

August 17, 2009

My Dear Friend Fr. Jack, taught me the meaning of true friendship. He was not only my best friend, mentor, and confidant he was someone I really enjoyed spending time with. No matter what we were doing, whether we were together or talking from a distance life felt like it had a purpose. He had a way of balancing life's ups and downs and inspite of everything, made us aware that life is a precious gift to be cherished and that we should all be greatful for everything life bestows on us. Thank you my Friend for always looking out for me and my family when you were here and I know you're looking out for us from Heaven. I miss you and I wish you were still with us, but like you said, God has plans for all of us and we are all were we should be. I will remember you for as long as I can because I know that "Death is not in passing but in the forgetfulness."

Furthermore, if Father Jack was a sexual predator, the most likely person he would sexually abused would be Roland Sondia for he was very close to him and his family. See the information here. Below are photos of Roland Sondia and Father Jack before he passed away.

With this information, you decide whether there was indeed a conspiracy to remove Apuron and an attempt to destroy the Catholic Church by introducing a law removing the statutes of limitations. Also, remember that the Vatican never specified what offense Apuron was guilty of. It was only the media who named the offense. Furthermore, Apuron was never removed of his status as Bishop while other priests and bishops were laicized and stripped of their faculties when found guilty of child sexual abuse.

Monday, December 16, 2024

RIP Father Antonino Caminiti

 Father Antonino Caminiti passed away yesterday. Rest in peace, Father Nino. We love you!