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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Israel Pilgrimage

The pilgrimage to Israel took place in July.  The Guam youth and their chaperones left Guam earlier than the adults.  There were almost 300 people from Neocatechumenal Way in Israel.  We met the youth from the United States.  They were over 5000 people there.  New Jersey brought 1,500 people to Israel.  Both California and Texas had 1,100 with them, and Florida brought 800 people.

When the calling was made for the priesthood, 205 young men stood up and ran to the stage.  About four Guam young men were among them.  When the calling was made for those who felt a calling for women to join the Convent, 300 women ran to the stage.  About four young women were from Guam.  These young men and women will be nurtured into their vocations. It's always important to nurture the vocation of these youth who stood up for the calling.   Without this nurture from the NCW communities, the temptations of the world can turn them away.  When the calling came for the mission families,  200 families stood up.  Biba to the Neocatechumenal Way!  Bible for Way for promoting the priesthood.  You can see the entire event in the following YouTube:

Israel Pilgrimage